Chapter 7: Memories and a new life

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Y/N: "Your son? My mother is dead. I am no ones son."

Muzan: "I know your mother is dead. I also saw your sister running away and abandoning you."

Y/N: "*grits teeth* I did everything for her, but as soon as I got sick, she just threw me away like some old toy! *turns to Muzan* I loved her! I loved her more than a brother ever could! Do you know how thst hurts!?"

Muzan then approached Y/N and hugged him. She didn't know why, but I just felt right to her in that moment.

Muzan: "I do know the pain a bit. I never loved someone that was related to me, but I tried to engage in a relationship so many times. It never worked out. I know the pain of losing someone you love."

Y/N hugged Muzan for a good 5 minutes until he broke it and looked at her.

Y/N: "So, where are we?"

Muzan: "This is the home of me and my... let's say children since they have my blood just like you. I made this place to protect us from people who chase us."

Y/N: "The demon slayer corps."

Muzan: "Yes, correct. This place is called the infinity castle. You are free to move around here, but you should stay away from Douma, she is quite annoying when she behaves like a child all the time."

Y/N: "Which one is Douma?"

Muzan: "She has blonde hair and rainbow eyes."

Y/N: "When I was human, I was told there is a ranking of demons. The twelve kizuki. Is that true?"

Muzan: "Yes, and no. There is this kind of ranking, but it no longer consists of twelve demons. It is now 6, well 5 since we are missing one upper moon. Douma for example is upper moon 2."

Y/N: "I see. Can I meet them?"

Muzan: "Yes, I suppose they are all home since I didn't send any of them on missions. Come on, hold my hand."

Y/N grabbed Muzans hand and heard the strum of a biwa. He then felt himself shift in reality until he stood somewhere else with Muzan. He was on a big platform. All around it were stairs, rooms and hallways snaking around and absorbing each other to create new rooms. As he looked around, he noticed 5 people kneeling infront of him and Muzan.

Y/N: "Are you five the upper moons?"

A girl spoke up while walking towards Y/N who just kept a neutral face. She had soft pink hair that went down to her waist. She wore a sleeveless light purple haori with a square pattern on the back that was cropped at her waist that was left open showing off her breasts that are covered by bandages. She had white baggy pants rolled up to below her knees and was tied at her hips with a blue tie and red tassels. She was barefoot and had large beads tied around her ankles. In here eyes was a marking, upper moon 3 it said.

???: "Yeah, what's it to you?"

Then another woman spoke to the upper moon 3.

She had long brown hair that was tied into a high ponytail with two bangs framing her face. She wore a purple kimono with black square patterns on it. Y/N noticed how the kimono was almost fully exposing her chest, and the part that did cover something was struggling to do so. She also wore a black hakama with a Katana strapped to her waist. On her feet were white Tabi socks and a pair of black Geta shoes. The most noticeable body traits was that she had six eyes, with the middle two of them having the uppermoon one carving on them. Despite her scary appearance, Y/N could feel the motherly aura coming off of her.

???: "I apologize for Akanes rudeness, my master. She didn't know about who you are at all. I know and acknowledge you fully as our master."

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