Explanation of the 3rd POV

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These are the excerpts from the story of the third POV. If you don’t want to reread them then you can just skip to the author’s note at the end. I haven’t changed them. Just explianing somethings. and if i'm still being too confusing for you just tell me.I'll try to explain it better.

“Foolish man!” She hissed. She was beginning to grow hopeful that he would actually learn but then he had to go and kill his servant!

“If he hasn’t learned by now I don’t hold out much hope for him.” Another woman murmured beside the first. “Two and a half centuries hasn’t changed him at all. And why the sudden interest in him anyway? You have never cared before. He needed to be taught a lesson, you said so yourself,” she continued. “This wouldn’t have anything to do with his meeting with Faith would it?” She asked suspiciously. The second woman was studying the first carefully.

She knew that she shouldn’t be interfering in Faith’s life but she couldn’t stop herself from checking up on her from time to time. It was one of those times that she realized Adam’s interest. “Yes, if you must know. I am not meddling, just keeping watch. Why should I not be interested? Faith could be the key to breaking his spell. She could be the one to change him.”

“You know better! The laws require us to stay out of it! If you insist on continuing to ‘keep watch’ you could very well ruin his chances at breaking the spell altogether!” The first woman sighed. There must be a way around the rules.

She was delighted. Finally. Maybe things will work out at last. She watched as Adam took Faith to his palace to help her.

“You had nothing to do with that, did you?” A reproachful voice sounded from behind her. She slowly turned to face a stern look.

“I will have you know that I did not do one thing. That took place because the spirits are finally taking pity on Adam and choose to act themselves. However, I will not deny that I am thrilled with the new development,” she responded with a smile spread wide.

          “Goodness gracious! He is such an idiot!” She yelled. The Femme Fatale had told her to stay away from the looking glass, well more ordered her. But she couldn’t help it; she had to know what happened. She had hoped that this wouldn’t turn ugly but it seems that it was inevitable.

          “What did I tell you!?! Faith and Adam are no longer any of our business. So keep your nose out of it.” The Femme Fatale had a sharp voice, not an unkind one but one that made you shrink back. She knew it was foolish, she was a grown woman but she wasn’t even close to having the power wielded by the great Femme Fatale.

“You know I can not do that. I have to know. She is…”

“Yes I know,” the Femme Fatale sighed. “Alright, if you are insistent about this, we may help. But we can not directly influence anything. They must make up their own minds. We can not change their free will.”

          “Yes. Oh thank you!”

So obviously the second woman is the Femme Fatale, the enchantress that cursed Adam. The mysterious woman is staying a mystery for now. She is the Femme Fatale’s apprentice for lack of a better term. She is her grand descendent that has been taken under wing to learn the practices of magic. Her story will slowly be told throughout the story but since I don’t want to give too much away yet and I don’t want to keep calling her the mysterious woman I’m going to call her Dame Magique which is Magic lady in French (since Femme Fatale is French for fatal woman). They live in the mountains above the forest, kind of like their own Mount Olympus. They have a magic mirror to look in on Faith and Adam. There are other enchantresses but none will appear in the story. 

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