Chapter 9

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Hey everyone! Sorry it took so long and this is a short chapter. I hope you like it!! It isn't very well edited. Just for a reminder Martin is Charity's (Faith's oldest sister) fiance.

Faith stood frozen, unable to take her eyes from the painting in front of her. The eyes of the man had her mesmerized. They were the same deep swirling gray she had seen before, so many times in her dreams. Yet, at the same time, they were nothing like them. This man’s eyes were cold, empty, and filled with resentment. It scared Faith. The Beast must have noticed Faith’s interest in the portrait because he started telling her about it.

“This was the last prince in the royal line. Unfortunately, he never got his chance to rule. He disappeared and the kingdom was separated into the provinces it is in now.” His voice sounded a little bitter to Faith.  He had moved closer to her without her noticing and she jumped at his closeness.

“That is a shame. But it might have been for the best. Looks aren’t everything.” She knew her response surprised the Beast.

“What would make you say that?”

“Oh, I just… the look about him. His eyes, they seem so… cold.” Faith answered.  “A king needs to be warm and welcoming, not cold and distant.”

“You can tell that about him by one portrait?” He sounded gruff, like she had hit a nerve.

“I suppose I’m just good at reading people. Or the artist really didn’t like this man.” Faith said lightly, trying to ease the tension in the Beast. “What was his name?” Nothing. She looked back at the Beast and found him with his back to her and gazing out the window over the blossoming garden placed outside.  “I am sorry. I did not mean to upset you.”

“You did not. What you said was true. He no longer has a name. He is only known as Beast.” Faith froze. What did he say? He is the prince?  But…

“How is that possible?” Faith breathed out, more to herself then him. Thoughts were flying through her head. Then she remembered the stories of the Femme Fatale and all those she cursed.  Oh.

“There are greater powers in the world then that of a king. I suppose they were not impressed with me.” Even though every word came out as a growl, Faith could tell there was an edge to his voice that wasn’t there before.

“I did not think that she was real, the Femme Fatale I mean. She is the one to curse you wasn’t she?” The Beast’s body stiffened. When he looked over at her his eye shone with anger. “Well then, if you refuse to tell me your name then what shall I call you? Calling you Beast sounds to… savage and I refuse to call you master.” Faith attempted to switch the subject. Luckily he went along with it.

“You may call me anything you desire.” A chuckle was evident in his voice.

“Fine. I shall call you… Lewis.” He sends her a questioning look but shakes his head and turns back to the window. It took an effort for Faith not to laugh.

After ‘Lewis’ gave Faith a tour of the castle she pulled him out into the gardens. “I love roses. My mother would plant them and they would bloom brighter then anything else in the village.” Faith looked at all of the flowers and remembered better times. A cloud drifted between the bushed and trees, a nymph.

Faith was opening up to him. Adam was thrilled. She seemed so at ease around him. Even Lenora and Charles took a while to adjust to being around ‘the Beast’ but not Faith.

“Lewis, look,” Faith whispered. When she insisted on calling him Lewis he had to fight not to laugh at her. He wanted to tell her who he was, that he was the man that helped her as a child and Adam. He looked where she was and saw a nymph. This was a common occurrence to him but Faith had probably never seen one before.

“The nymphs are powered by nature and can only affect nature. Like fairies, they have a small amount of magic to manipulate the environment,” he explained. He could tell she wasn’t too fond of silence but he hadn’t had a deep conversation with anyone for the better half of two and a half centuries. What can I say?

Victor was livid. The entire village was talking about Faith’s disappearance. He had managed to evade the majority of questions but he couldn’t keep quiet about the incident forever. She rejected me!! ME!!! And then that thing took her before I could do anything!! I will get her back!! Then I will make her MINE!!! Victor was raging and no amount of alcohol would lessen it.

“Victor! Where is my sister?” Charity demanded. Their father had still not returned from the city and Charity had been breathing down his neck about what happened the other day. Martin stood by her. Victor and Martin had never gotten along and this was only another reason for Martin to look over Victor’s shoulder.

Patience stood in the back of the bar. She had been clinging onto Victor and he was sick of it. If she honestly thinks I want her, she is delusional, Victor scoffed at the thought. No woman is that stupid.

“Vicky! What happened?” Patience whined as she threw herself on his arm. Victor wanted to slap her for calling him ‘Vicky’ but knew he couldn’t do that in front of Charity and Martin. Martin would kill him.

“Don’t touch me! And never call me ‘Vicky’ again!” Victor shouted at her. She flinched back and Charity quickly pulled back as she glared at him. “Nothing happened! Faith and I were separated and I couldn’t find her again,” Victor lied. He couldn’t tell her the truth. I am not about to be the town loony! If I even breathe a word about the mythical beast I will be thought insane! Not to mention that fact that Faith rejected me. Who does that? Why wouldn’t she want me!?! EVERY woman wants me!

“You are a liar! Faith wouldn’t just run off like that! And the hunters would have found her if that is what happened. Where is she?” Charity had never even acted like she cared about Faith but now she is screaming in my ear and refusing to listen to me. Granted, I am not telling the whole truth but there is no way for her to know that.

“Sweetheart, why don’t you and your sister head home? I will deal with this,” Martin waited for the two women to leave and then turned on Victor. “Now you listen here! If anything has happened to Faith I will hold you personally responsible! I will not allow you to hurt my fiancé or her family in any way, do you understand me?” Victor prided himself on his strength (along with his striking good looks, quick wit, and family’s money) but even he wasn’t fool enough to challenge Martin.

OK hope you enjoyed it!! comment and vote please!

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