Chapter 16

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  • Dedicated to to all my wonderful fans!!

lol ok since i got a lack of response to my message i decided to torture you all. lol i was not too thrilled with this chapter but i like the end. so i would like responses!! and mabe i'll be nice next chapter hehe.


 Everything was wonderful. I wish it never had to end. Dancing with him felt so right, even if he is a beast. And he asked me to stay! I wish my family would have just forgotten about me so I do not have to stay long. Oh, how I dread having to face Patience! I will not mind seeing Charity or Martin again. I hope they do not ask many questions though. I will have to keep my story straight though. I could say that I was taken in by a hermit in the forest for the winter. That would not be a complete lie. But they would never let it go. No one lives in the forest. Well, aside from ‘Lewis’ but he is the reason no one else is able to live here. Oh bother! They will just have to live with no answers! Faith’s internal monologue ended with her throwing a pillow across the room in frustration.

          Faith was still smiling when she had awoken this morning. ‘Lewis’ had been a complete gentleman and she could no longer deny it. She loved him. “But how could I fall in love with a beast?” Faith asked herself quietly. Chiding herself she went on, “That was foolish of me to say. He is not a beast! He is a man! A poor cursed man…” She sighed. “Why can the Femme Fatale not see what I see? He is not the man he used to be. He has changed and deserves another chance at life.”

            “I agree.” Faith let out a small scream. She turned and froze. How is this possible? This was her last thought before everything went black.


            The world swam. It must have been a dream. There is no way that she could be… Faith forced her eyes open again but the sight that met her nearly made her swoon again.

            “How?” She asked, her voice weak. The beautiful young woman over her smiled. Tears came to Faith’s eyes. Shaking her head she said, “This is not real. It cannot be.”

            “But it is Faith. I am here. I have never left you. Your plea to the Femme Fatale was heard! I was saved!” She said, her green eyes shining with her own tears. The brown curls that framed her face were laced with golden color. She radiated power that even Faith could sense. Yet, it was like looking into a long lost mirror, this was her other half, her double, her twin.

            Letting out a soft sob, Faith flung herself at Hope. They clung to each other with ever ounce of strength they had.

            “Now, enough of this. I cannot stay long. I only came to tell you…” 

            “Wait, what happened to you? How are you alive? I watched as we buried your body. What about momma? I have so many questions!” Faith looked at Hope, begging her with her eyes to explain. Hope sighed.

            “Ok well… It is complicated. I really should not be telling you any of this. But here we go. When momma and I were dieing, you called out to the Femme Fatale for help. She never answered and we died. At least, that is what you thought. However, the Femme Fatale came to me, she saved me. I had to die to live, if that makes sense.” Hope looked torn, as if she did not want to explain what really happened. As Faith went to tell her it was okay, that she did not need to if she did not wish to, Hope’s expression grew determined and she continued. “Faith, we are the decedents of a witch. She was called the Sorcière du Royaume. She would have been an enchantress if she had not fallen in love with a human. She refused the title and renounced her magic. However, the power did not leave her fully. Through her lineage, the power was passed. Then it reached us. I was still young enough for the magic to affect me. Mother was not. I was able to become an enchantress, the Femme Fatale’s apprentice. I am now the Dame Magique.” Faith sat there not speaking a word. She was too stunned to do anything other then attempt to absorb all she was told. Before she grasped the idea her sister was now an enchantress, Hope went on. “I have been watching after you and the rest of the family.”

“Does that mean you could remove the curse from Lewis?” Faith asked excitedly. Hope smiled sadly and shook her head.

“I am sorry. No. I cannot interfere in his curse. It is one of the laws.” Faith opened her mouth to ask another questioned but Hope halted her. “And the Femme Fatale cannot do any thing about it either. He must learn for himself how to break this spell. All I can say is that he cannot do it alone. My sweet sister, you are more then you realize.” Faith let out an aggravated breath and pushed aside her thoughts of ‘Lewis’ for a moment. “Now I must speak to you about something else.” Faith became concerned. She knew her sister and she was worried about something.

“Very well. What is wrong?”

“Well…” She seemed unsure but soon recovered and went on. “ It is Patience I am worried about. Victor has his hold on her tight and I fear she will be ruined by him. She is blinded. And I cannot interfere in her life if it is not of vital importance. I hate the foolish laws we have but I must abide by them. So, I turn to you, my dear sister. When you go home you must speak with her, make her see sense.” Hope paused for a moment and a distracted look came across her face. She flinched away and turned toward the terrace. “My time is up. I love you sister!” Faith did not know what else to do but run and give Hope one last hug.

“I will speak to Patience. I promise!” With that Hope was gone, not a trace she had ever been there.

A knock sounded at the door. “My Lady, are you ready to leave? You must go while the sun is still out to give you light!” Gus called out. Faith jumped. Ever since Hope had left she had been going over everything that had been divulged to her. I am of magical decent. What did she mean I am more then I realize? What more? And then there is this business with Victor and Patience. Why does Hope believe I can sway her? She is the most stubborn… “My Lady, Faith?”

“What? Oh, yes!” Faith opened her door to reveal a rotund dwarf. His long beard settled on his pudgy stomach. He stepped aside and lowered his head as she passed. “Thank you Gus. Where is my guide waiting for me?” Faith asked lightly. After seeing Hope, her spirits were soaring.

Gus let out a hearty laugh. “The young lord is awaiting your presence in the throne room. Where else would he be. He lives in that room.”

“Lewis!” Faith called as she entered the room but her voice died out before she finished the word. All air rushed out of her as she looked upon the scene before her. “What is going on?” Her voice shook greatly and tears sprung to her eyes.

Lady Lenora lent over a body, the body of a man she knew well. Martin…

Hehe i'm evil. please don't hate me though!! comment and vote!!!! i want to know what you all think about Hope coming back and  what on earth happened to Martin?!? Please also tell me who else you want to hear from? (that is not so commonly heard from)  Melanie? Patience? Victor? Lenora? tanks :)

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