Chapter 14

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HEy ok i'm excited fot the next chapter! it will be cute! and i'm starting school in 10 hours!! NO!!! lol atually i'm excited just dreading it at the same time.

Recap: Dame Magique POV

“Absolutely not! I have been very gracious when it has come to Faith but we are not without our limits. Our magic is restricted to certain regulations. This Kingdom needs their King back in power which is the only reason I am allowing your ‘guidance’ in their affairs but Patience is beyond our authority. Her problems are not a matter of live or death nor do they hold sway over the populace therefore we cannot intervene.” The Femme held a look of finality and the Dame knew better then to argue. She was not even a fraction as powerful nor as knowledgeable as the Femme and knew to remember her place as the underling. Put three centuries up against a decade and it will win out every time, the Dame thought with a sigh. She was not going to do nothing as Patience ruined herself for some no good scoundrel. However she could not go against the Femme. However, rules can be changed.

Patience POV:

 It has been over three months since Faith has gone missing. Surly she should be home by now. Winter is beginning to lessen and the sun is melting the snow. The search parties must have found something! Patience let out a sigh as she paced back and forth.

“Martin? What is going on?” Charity exclaimed the moment he came in the door. He looked exhausted and was covered in mud from hunting through the forest.

“There are no traces of anyone, though that is not surprising. After three months, many of the men are doubtful. The Beast…” Martin trailed off at the look Charity gave him.

“It is not possible. The Beast is just a legend, a bedtime story to keep children away from the Black Woods,” Charity objected. Mention of the Beast sent a shiver down Patience’s back.

“Faith would sneak away to the forest time and again. I doubt there is a Beast. If there was it would have done away with her long ago,” Patience said in a detached voice.

“Patience, have you no heart anymore? Faith is our sister and you speak of her possible death as if it is nothing!” Charity snapped. Patience was taken aback.

“Why are you snapping at me? It is not like I am the one that did anything wrong! I am not the one that ran out into the forest and got lost at the beginning of winter!” Patience yelled back.

“No, but you are the one that is siding with the man that chased her in to the forest. You are the one that cares nothing about the fact that she may be dead!” At this point Charity was sobbing and Martin hurried over to hold her. “I can not do this again! I can not lose another family member, another sister.” Patience was silent at this. She stood and left, not making a sound, as Charity continued to weep on Martin’s shoulder.

She wandered aimlessly through town. Jealousy at the relationship and love between Martin and Charity ate away at her. She was happy for her sister but longed for a shoulder to cry on as well. Victor loves me, she mused to herself. He would be a wonderful protector; after all he is the best hunter in the region. But never once has he offered any comfort to me, only asked for it. Patience did not want to acknowledge that last thought but it came to her anyway and refused to leave. But there is no way he did anything to Faith! Patience could not rid herself at the guilt building in her. Ever since the first of the snow melt and the search for Faith had resumed, there was a constant nagging voice in the back of her mind, telling her to remain away from Victor until things are settled.

Faith is safe. But you are in danger of being ruined. You never used to be so shallow. What happened to the Patience that needed only family by her side to be content? A whimsical voice floated through the air gently.

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