Chapter 8

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Hey everyone! I'm updated! I like this chapter more then i thought i would.

Faith stood frozen in fear. He’s real. The Beast. That was the only thing she could think. She couldn’t move, run, or scream for help. She just watched him. He looked like an over-grown wolf on two legs. His feet were paws with claws and he had a snout with sharp teeth showing. It was clear that he could kill her with one swing of his arm or snap of his teeth. Everything in Faith screamed at her to run but she was rooted to the floor.

          The Beast took one step toward her and that is when whatever was holding her still broke. She turned around and ran. She knew it was stupid. How many had it killed in the forests? If they couldn’t outrun him then what made her think she could? All she knew is that if she stayed there it would slaughter her where she stood. The terror coursing through her veins increased her speed.  She was at the door and outside with the biting wind but she didn’t stop or slow. She could hear him right behind her. His roar rattled her bones and the trees around them quivered. She was focused only on getting away that she didn’t notice the hulking mass in front of her till it was too late. The giant scooped her up and dropped her at the feet of a furious monster.

          “Please!” Faith couldn’t hold back her sob. She had her eyes shut tight but when she opened them she was alone. What? Where did he go? The door to the palace was wide open. Faith looked around. There was a lake to one side and all around was forest. She knew that she was in as much danger out there as in here. It didn’t kill me for a reason. If that was ‘the master’ then it helped me. So why would it kill me now? Faith tried to talk herself into going back to the warmth, away from the freezing winter air. Taking a big breath, she turned around to look at the castle. It was colossal. There must be a thousand windows on this side alone. Some of those windows were stained glass and depicted stories and adventures of the Great Kings that once ruled these lands. There were towers and turrets aplenty. There were statues of guardian angels atop the roofs and fountains on either side of the doors.

          What if it is waiting for me? What if I go in and there it is looming over me? What if… No, if I keep this up I will never go in. Everything will be fine. He can’t be all bad if he has the loyalty of Madam Lenora and Charles. I will trust them, their judgment. Slowly Faith headed up the front steps, reaching the open door. Nothing was waiting for her. She stepped lightly; scared he would come running out after her. She went to her room swiftly but silently, only to open the door to Lenora flying straight up to her with a furious expression.

          “What did I tell you? I told you not to seek the master out but you couldn’t resist, could you? And then you ran away from him! After the kindness he has shown you, you threw it back into his face!” She ranted, her small voice reaching pitched that could break glass and was slicing through Faith’s head.

          “I am sorry. I never meant to be rude. But how do you expect me to react to seeing that? I thought that was just a legend. A scary story to keep kids away from the forest’s edge! It is real. How is that possible?” Faith’s fear was starting to bubble again but she snuffed it out. Lenora is right. It… HE has only helped me. There is no reason to run scared.

          “Firstly he is a he, not an it! And why is his existence so much more of a shock then fairies and giants!?!”

          “Lenora, leave.” A rumbling growl sounded from the door. Faith jumped a mile high. With her hand on her heart she slowly turned. It was him. Although she already knew who it was, it still sent a shock through her system.

          Lenora hesitated, looking between the two of them before fleeing the room. Faith didn’t move. She just stood there with her eyes downcast. What could be said? She still was frightened but felt guilty over running off at the sight of him after how he had helped her.  He didn’t seen inclined to begin so Faith gathered her courage and thought of what was best to say.

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