Infant life

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This is not for children who can't handle abuse and trauma! 

Please leave if you can't handle it.


Narrator POV:

It was a calm and Sunny day, however that calmness would seen be stopped by a child's screams and cries as it was born. This child had been born on *** ******* ****( random date). He was a normal human, just like his whole family, they were all human. "Grian" cooed the mother softly and lovingly to the child. She was hoping for a boy so that she could name him that, her husband quickly rushed in "O-oh my.." The husband wasn't allowed in by the Mothers request, she didn't want her husband to see her in such a vulnerable state, she knew it didn't matter, but it did, to her anyway.

"What did you name him?" The father knew that she had ideas, however she never disclosed which one she would choose as she said that she'd prefer to keep it a secret."Grian" she said softly looking at the child in her eyes, the child looked up at her with...purple eyes?.. What? she blinked and it was gone, replaced by obsidian eyes, what was that? No one in her family had purple eyes, on top of that, it glowed, she shook her head softly thinking it was her imagination, it must've been...right? Right. "That's a beautiful name" The father said looking at his son lovingly, or that's what the mother thought, in reality, the father never wanted a child, but he didn't 'believe' in abortion so he said nothing, he in fact hated the child, and it's name, now his wife as well, for some reason the child had black eyes, he knew no one in his family had black eyes so he assumed it must've come from his wife's side of the family. It was disgusting though, wait, did his wife have black eyes? He looked to his wife and saw that she had black eyes with green in them. Revolting. He hated it, his child had pure obsidian eyes and he hated it, why couldn't the child be blessed with his ocean eyes? He hated this child already and he didn't even know it.


TimeSkip 2 years later

The father had a suspicion that his wife had cheated on him or something, this child acted nothing like them, it also seemed to have something wrong with it, it also seemed as if the child picked things up quite quickly, which is the only thing he liked about the kid, it was smart he gave it that. He just had a nagging feeling his wife was cheating on him or had until she got pregnant and then the man she cheated on him with dumped her to deal with the pregnancy and her husband. Soon enough this started arguments between the two parents, leaving their 2 year old son to not understand what was going on, and becoming afraid of his parents. 

When the Mother went to leave for work or for 'personal' reasons, he was left taking care of the child which he hated, his wife had persisted that he should spend time with the kid, because 1) He didn't spend enough time with it and 2) She didn't trust a babysitter to not harm her baby or even take him. Ridiculous. Honestly, his wife must've been loosing her mind or something. But it's not as if the father was better than what the wife thought, in reality, the father would leave the kid alone in a room for hours at a time, alone, no food or anything, he wouldn't feed it or change it, or even take care of it for that matter, his wife never knew and when she did suspect something a fight would start, and the cycle of neglect would repeat until this one day, when  she left with her friends for a hotel to stay there for a day as a break, she left her husband to take care of the kid, which was clearly a terrible idea as the moment the wife told her husband what would she was going to do, he blew up on her and as the two fought, Grian had found something he shouldn't have. A knife, now a young child with a knife was a bad thing as it knew nothing of the sharp objects dangers and could obviously hurt itself, but that didn't happen, all that happen is that Grian had an urge. An urge to hurt something, and that's what he did. He looked at his nearest toy, which was a toy his Mothers friend had bought him, he crawled over to it and he raised the knife and stabbed it through the toy's head. He began giggling like a child who had too much sugar, causing the the adults to hear it and realize they left the child alone for god knows how long.

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