Child Life

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Sooo, this all goes in the cycle of life, basically ya'll are gonna be reading all of Grians life :)




Of course Grian thought being malnourished was normal, the kid barely got fed, what with both his parents fighting and not taking care of him. Grian was used to it though, the hungry feeling, his parents fighting. Until one day, Grians 'father' came in with a beer bottle, of course 5 year old Grian was terrified, his father was the only one who hated him enough to harm him, so Grian quickly stood up and looked down, his father looked at him before smashing the beer bottle on Grians head, the elder man had hoped the kid would fall unconscious or even die, of course that didn't work as Grian only fell to the floor dazed and crying from the pain. His father did not like that, so he kicked his child in the face, "I hate you" He spat, Grian was really dazed and didn't know what was going on, his conscious was slipping and he was confused, he blurringly saw his father leaving the room before ultimately passing out.

When Grian woke up, it was dark, and he assumed that it was past midnight, his head was throbbing and he felt really sleepy, he tried standing up but fell, he froze for a second thinking he made too much noise so he stayed on the floor trying to see if he could hear his parents, he could, his father was snoring loudly, and he could only assume his mother left the house again, because she usually sleep talked. Grian tried to slowly get up, it worked, he got up on wobbly legs and tried standing still, the lamps outside shown some light into his room, so he looked around on the floor, he saw blood, but it was purple?...No wait it was red, he might've just been tired, damn a 5 years old life was so hard!  He wondered how his friends went through this! And how come they never had any scars on them, maybe the parents pulled their hair? He didn't know, and he didn't dwell on it. 

He slowly walked over to his small bathroom, Grian had learned how to take baths at age 3-4 after his parents refused to take care of him, he let the tub slowly fill up, he only used small bits of water 'cause he didn't want his parents upset at him. He slowly took his clothes off, being careful for his wings that were quite sensitive, he even started growing tail feathers! of course they were still really small and wouldn't be much help if he flew, but he had a couple years ahead of him before he even decided to try and fly! He got in the tub and took the small cloth and soap and he slowly started to wash himself, he had no idea on how to clean his feathers, so all he did was pour some water over them and think it was fine, after his small bath of washing himself and washing the blood away, he got out of the bath and took his towel and dried himself slowly, he always had a problem with this part, his wings would fluff up and get in the way so he struggled to do this part he did it slowly to dry himself off properly, he looked at the small drawer in the bathroom, he kept it filled with a few clothes that still fit him (He grew slowly) for these occasional nights.

He dressed himself up in clothes he deemed good enough, he slowly pulled the plug in the tub letting the water drain, he left the bathroom as if he was never there, he walked out of the room and looked at the bed, he would sleep but there were many consequences if he didn't wake up before his father and he knew he wouldn't sleep so he sat on the floor looking outside, wait what was that? He tried looking closer by going closer to the window but the moment he did the figure disappeared! He thought he saw a someone with big purple wings! Had he been seeing things? Most likely, he sighed and sat on the window sill just looking outside, it was dark, but it was pretty, so he just sat there, staring outside admiring the stars, he swore he saw a shooting star and he just looked up. He was starting to get tired so he got off the the sill and went and sat on the floor, it did help him in getting rid of the tiredness, he didn't know what time it was seeing as the small clock in his room was just there for decoration and nothing else. He looked at the window from the floor and he said the sky changing colors , it was getting brighter! He sat there watching the pretty sky changing color, he eventually realized that it was morning! His father would wake up soon! So he got up and walked over to his door , slowly opening it, and walking out, he had to clean the kitchen enough so that when his mum comes home she doesn't have to get mad at him! So he quietly walked out of the room and into the kitchen , all of the plates were clean so he cleaned the floor off a bit and he started cleaning the table when all of a sudden he saw a shadow looming over him "Why are you out of your room" His father said quietly, but you could hear the anger in his voice, Grian started to shake slightly, he couldn't answer! His father started to get annoyed so he pushed Grians head into the counter hard, and then grabbed his arm and dragging him back to his room, he kicked Grian in his stomach making Grian loose breath, he pulled Grians hair up and made him face him, "I hope you die, Devil" is all his father said before smacking him hard, making him cry out in pain, his father saw a piece of glass on the floor, it was sharp so he took it and grabbed Grians arm again, he started making small lines on his arm before pressing harder and deeper into his skin, Grian started screaming out in pain begging his father to stop, of course he didn't. He dragged the small glass shard on his sons skin and didn't stop until he was satisfied, he held his arm up watching the blood drip and drop with satisfaction, the wounds were bleeding quite a lot making Grian watch it in pain not knowing what to do with the small cuts, his father harshly let go of his arm making Grian grip it trying to stop the bleeding. His father left the room slamming the door, Grian stood up quickly and ran to his bathroom to get something to stop the bleeding, he grabbed a towel and some toilet paper and wrapped his arm in it, he was crying and he didn't know how to stop, after a little while he saw the towel get red as well, he heard his mum come home and then the fighting began. He wondered if other kids parents did this to them as well.


They were leaving, the ****** Family was leaving the country, Grian had no clue where they were going but he was sort of excited, new friends and new places always excited him, his mum had been teaching him a new language! She called it 'Japanese' and she said that he should only answer in that language , both his parents were flued in Japanese as they grew up with Japanese parents and schools, "Are you ready.. kid" His mother looked down, she still hated him but she didn't physically harm him, "はい、準備できました!"(Yes, I'm ready!)  He said excitedly, she looked back up and and nodded to her husband, her husband walked over to the kid and slammed his head into the wall making him cry out in pain as he felt the impact of the wall, everything was getting blurry and soon enough, he lost conscious. 

When he woke up again, he was in a big city, his bag in hand and a bandage over his eye? Oh.. they must've put it there so that the other kids weren't weirded out by his scars! " お母さん?"(Mum?)  Grian said, looking around to see if he can see them, he couldn't! Where were they! Oh god.. Did they leave him? Grian was terrified, he was in a place he didn't know and he was terrified of it, he started to softly cry to himself, he didn't see many people so he walked over to a corner and sat and cried, he was alone.. he hated being alone. A man had seen him in the corner and walked over to him "大丈夫なの?" (Are you okay kid?) The man asked Grian who was sitting on the floor with his head in his knees, he slowly looked up at the man, kind of shocking the poor man with his bruises and teary face , "い、いいえ!私の両親は私を置き去りにしました" (n-no! My parents left me!) He said sadly, the man looked at his small figure before asking "少年よ、あなたは何歳ですか?" (Young boy, how old are you?) Grian looked like he was thinking for a second, "五" (five) The man looked shocked, this kid was 5 and yet so small!? Is he even well fed? He looks like he has multiple bruises on him , "私と一緒に暮らしませんか?" (Would you like to live with me?) Grian looked at him in surprise, would this man actually take him in? Would he be like his parents? He honestly didn't care, he just didn't want to be alone "はい、お願いします!" (Yes please!) he said eagerly.


Sorry that this chapter is shorter than i would like for it to be, i just really want this out before tmr because i want to do sum.


if you could help me in finding the episode in where it states that grian had lived with a tokyo mafia gang in YHS , that would be really helpfull as I have completely forgotten and i have been really busy, so I really need help on this one.

Thank you for reading and I hope you will enjoy the next one!

Bye!! <33

Words: 1735


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