Myosotis : Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

As I rocked unsteadily on my seat—my hands folded on my lap—I turned my head to look outside, raising my eyes up to the sky.

            There was a bird, some kind of hawk or maybe an eagle flying over the horse carriage I was ridding in, the one that would take me to Clematis, Endine sitting in front of me, beside Lavender, a young seamstress that tended to get on my nerves easily. I wouldn’t be enduring her if it wasn’t for that fact that she was excellent at her job, because otherwise she always seemed to be laughing at me and making snotty comments.

            We weren’t in the official Lily’s coach. That one was dragging behind ours. I had decided to put in my place a new maid in the court that had hair fairly like mine. Poppy’s warning had me worried after all and I had thought that a little subterfuge like this would be a sort of mental solace but it was far from it. All I could think about was that if we really did get attacked, anything that would happen to the maid would be on my conscience.

            That thought had me scratching the back of my hair nervously. The Oaks were warned but they seemed to find it more amusing then disquieting when I told them.

            Would anyone ever take me seriously?

            “Acacia…” I turned my head to look at my maid. “Now that it’s real and that you will finally meet your Future and Ipomoea, there are a few things we need to… discuss,” Endine slowly said, her brows meeting in a frown.

            Lavender covered her mouth to hide her giggles.

            I narrowed my eyes at her before turning my gaze back on Endine. I remembered father’s orders. “Yes I know, I will have to follow his will. It is not because I do not fancy following yours that I will not follow those of my Ipomoea. I am not stupid.” I sighed, scratching the back of my neck, by the root of my hair.

            Following his will did not mean I wouldn’t try to make him understand my point of view though. Everything I had learned about the Myosotis, about our former beliefs I wrote them down over the years and now I had dozens of bound sheets filled with them. I would make him read them… and I would find a way to have them copied to pass them around. Our people needed to know our beliefs, and they needed something in order to do that. If I had to be the person to do it, than so be it.

            “Hmm, yes of course that is one thing, but you see, that was not the one I was… referring to…” Endine was mumbling and Lavender kept trying to hold her giggles. It was odd. My old maid obviously found Lavender incessant sniggers exasperating and gave her a pointy look effectively quieting the annoying seamstress, making me the main target again. “You see my dear; you lost your mother so young that there are a few topics you never had the chance to talk with her about.”

            I was the one frowning now. She was confusing me. What was she trying to explain? “What do you mean?”

            “What I mean… what I’m trying to say is…”

            “Look at that bird…” Lavender whispered in awe, interrupting Endine, her head and shoulders sticking out of the carriage, “it’s so—”

            She never finished her sentence; the only thing we heard was a whistling sound before her muffled chokes.

            And when Lavender back away in her seat again, an arrow was going side to side out of her throat both her hands gripping it, blood spilling everywhere, her mouth opening and closing to breath or to talk I didn’t know. I just sat there frozen while Endine screamed.

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