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After school Maverick went to go and collect his bike when saw Max walking to the car park

They made eye contact holding it and smiling at one another.

He was about to walk over to her when a group of girls crowded him

He didn't mean to be rude but as they began to talk to him he paid them no mind constantly looking in Maxs's direction

"Um sorry ladies but I've got to go" he said pushing past them and walking over to Max

"Hey You okay?" He asked as the redhead just stood there awkwardly
She felt uncomfortable talking to Maverick with all those girls fully glaring at her

Little did they know Billy was staring at them watching their every movement

"Yeah don't worry um I'm gonna go" she said turning away and walking to her step- brothers car

"Mayfield come over to mine later?" He yelled making her turn around

Hearing her last name roll of his tongue weirdly comforted her

"See you later Alvarez"

He smiled as she left to enter the car and grabbed his bike and left to pick up Leo

Maverick arrived at the daycare center, ready to pick up his little brother Leo. He walked through the door and was greeted by the sound of children laughing and playing.

He made his way to the infant room, where he found Leo sitting in a little bouncy chair. Leo's face lit up when he saw Maverick, and he started kicking his legs in excitement.

Maverick picked Leo up out of the chair and held him close. "Hey there, little man," he said, smiling down at him. "Did you have a good day?"

"Yeah!" Leo said in response, reaching up to grab Maverick's nose. Maverick laughed and gently moved Leo's hand away.

As they walked out of the daycare, Maverick held Leo close to his chest, feeling his little brother's warmth and hearing his soft breathing. It was a beautiful day outside, and the sun was shining down on them.

Maverick looked down at Leo and smiled. "Do you want to go for a walk, little guy?" he asked.

"Ice cream!"

"Yeah let's go get ice cream"
Maverick used his lunch money and bought both of them an ice cream.

Leo got the cookie dough flavour and Maverick chose chocolate

They began to walk down the street Leo pointing at everything he saw. As they walked, they passed by a park with a playground. Maverick decided to stop and let Leo play on the swings.

He carefully set Leo down on the swing and pushed him gently back and forth. Leo giggled and smiled, his little hands reaching out to grab at the air. "Higher!"

Maverick watched him for a moment, feeling grateful for this moment with his little brother. He loved Leo more than anything in the world, and he promised himself that Leo was gonna have a good life. No matter the cost.

Eventually, the time was now 4:00 and Maverick picked Leo up and started walking back to their house. As they walked, he sang a soft lullaby to Leo, who was basically already knocked out from playing today.

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