010:Whats Happening To Me

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Eric had decided to leave school early with Will as Mrs.Byers had offered him a drive home he politely declined as he had already planned to walk with Max

When his episode had ended. He was quiet the whole time

On the way home with Max Eric finally spoke

"I know I've said it before but thank you, really" he told the girl making eye contact

"And I've told you before I'm by your side always" Max replied with a smile

Eric felt immense butterflies in his stomach. There had been many other girls who have tried to date him but none had made him feel as at peace as Max had

He knew that Lucas and Dustin had developed a crush on her yet she had only frequently talked to him and Lucas

Her and Lucas seemed to get on really well.

Unwanted thoughts began to spiral around his brain

"Hey I've got to go, i want to get to the arcade before my brother comes to get me. Is that okay?" She asked him unsure if he wanted to walk by himself

"Go ahead have fun. And don't worry about me, I'm fine. Promise" he told the redhead who nodded her head and waved at the boy before walking away

By the time he reached home he went to his bedroom quickly shutting the door

He sighed and grabbed his antidepressants from his hidden drawer and swallows a few down. He closed his eyes trying to calm himself down slowly opening them once more

As he looked down the bottle of pills that still remained in his hand.

A strong part of him was tempted to take more and he was about to until his brother walked into his room

He quickly threw the bottle into his drawer before the younger boy could see

"Dad is having a nap. Can you help me with my homework?" Leo asked the boy looked at Eric with a pleading face

Eric sighed their dad has recently been looking for a job as he's lost many of the ones he had previously for drinking on the job

But now he's trying to stop it was still difficult for him to pass the interviews

" hop up buddy what do you need help with" Eric told him even though he was almost knocked out of energy.

He still didn't want to let him down.

Leo smiled widely hopping onto Eric's bed and into his lap. Eric held the paper infront of them both

"Ok let's finish this ...


It was the next day and Eric had decided to go to school. He woke up and got dressed. He then dressed up Leo and took him to 2nd grade

He then rode along with Mike and the party to school. Lessons then started as they all split up sometimes sharing classes

It was now break time Lucas,Dustin and Max sat on the benches while Eric was in the bathroom splashing water on his face

All of a sudden the bathroom door opened and Mike walked in.

"Eric You okay man?" He asked the boy

"Um yeah fine just taking some anxiety pills "

"Maverick how many take you taken today"

"Mike let it go"

"No Eric, you're my best friend I'm worried about you" he said stubbornly grabbing Eric's arm to prevent him from leaving

"I said let it go Michael " Eric snapped grabbing Mike by his shirt and holding him against the wall

Black veins started to emerge in Eric's arms and neck.

He felt as if he was no longer in control of his body and that he was just watching form the sidelines

He saw what he was doing and he kept fighting his body forcing it to move until he dropped Mike

Eric looked at the boy I fear and ran out of the bathroom and out of the school gates

Max saw the boy run out of the gate and yelled his name confused

The boy turned around for a second to the voice he was so fond of and After a split second Max thought she saw his eye colour change

Maverick didn't respond he just kept running far down the road

"AV room now" Mike said looking worried

Max tried to follow but Mike stopped her

"party members only"

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