015:Morse Code

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Eric and Max were sitting beside each other as Lucas was sitting opposite of Eric.

"What happens if the Mind flayer finds out?"Max asked as Lucas shook his head. "He won't find out."

"Yeah, but, if it does..." the ginger spoke as Lucas answered. "Judgement Day."

Suddenly the door bursted open. Eric already took a defensive position and got Max behind him, but relaxed once he saw who had entered.

"What happened?" Dustin asked as Hopper grabbed a piece of paper and sat down on a chair. "I think he's talking, just not with words." the Hopper sighed as he scribbled something on the paper.

•••• • •-• •

"What is that?"

"Morse code" Eric quickly answered Steve's question as he read H-E-R-E. "Here."

"Will's still in there. He's talking to us." Hopper said as he looked around the group. "You can read morse code?" Hopper asked the kids, and got a yeah-ish response from them.

"I can." Maverick nodded. "My mum taught me."

"Great. I'll get you more info." Johnathan spoke as he quickly ran to his room and out of the house, back to Will.

Across several minutes, multiple people ran out and back into the house, giving Maverick
an idea of what Will was saying so that he could translate it all.

He could here a faint sound if music coming from the room and Maverick smiled realising it was Wills favourite song playing

When they had finished, he got two words. "Close gate." He translated.

Eric suddenly felt a sharp pain strike to his head 'do not let them succeed'

Suddenly the phone started ringing, startling everyone. "Shit. Shit." Dustin ran towards the phone, but it was already too late. Will had heard it going off.

"He heard it, didn't he?" Max asked as she turned to Steve. "It's just a phone. It could be anywhere. Right?" he shrugged.

He was proven wrong by roars and screeching going on outside. "That's not good."

Everyone got back inside as Hopper tried loading the sniper gun he had in his hand. He also grabbed an assault rifle on his way into the living room. "Hey. Hey, get away from the windows!"

The kids followed his orders as Jim turned towards Johnathan. "Do you know how to use this?"


"Can you use this?"

"I can." Nancy said as she caught the gun. Everyone was behind the two people with guns as the screeching continued.

"Where are they?" Max asked. However Eric didn't respond his head was pounding and saw his veins colour shift faintly

"What are they doing?" Nancy asked outloud as the screeching stopped, there was just silence creeping in the air

When all of a sudden a creatures was thrown through the window. Everyone yelled moving as far away as possible while Eric stood still

"Is it dead?" Max asked as Hopper walked closer towards it, before poking it with his foot, confirming that the creature was dead.

Eric felt something begin to pull him forward to the creature and as he started walking the door slowly creaked open gaining his attention

A girl dressed in black and jelled back hair walked in Blood came from her nose as Hopper lowered his gun.

Mike slowly moved forwards as the girl started smiling a bit. "Eleven"


It was too good to be true. Was Will speaking to him? Eric turned around to look for any sign of Will but he want there.Eric said in his mind"Will?"

"Don't lis-te. n to him h-He's in you too" was all Will said

The brunette tried to call for him again but he got no response.

Eric sighed forgetting El was there and rushed to Wills room

He looked at Will to see his eyes were closed yet his eyelids were moving around like crazy, his face had gone incredibly pale and that worried Eric. "What did he mean by 'he's got you too?" Eric thought to myself

Eventually, Maverick couldn't bare looking at Will's face, and stood up. His chest was hollow, another piece of his heart chipped away. Will was like family. Infact he was family so when Eric saw him in such a state he couldn't bare it anymore

"Hey Ricky..." a voice whispered to him

He knew that voice anywhere and remembered who had just recently arrived. "Hey El" he say turning around to hug the girl

She hugged him back tight burying her head in is chest. He kissed her forehead glad he had gotten to see his sister

"Sorry I didn't say hey early." I told her ashamed

"It's okay." she said reluctant to give up the hug

"I missed you" she said

"I've missed you too. Have you come to see Will" Eric asked the girl

Eleven lifted her head to get one good look at Eric, his face was pale as well and was looking quite tired and unsettled

She decided however not to comment on it knowing he would tell her when he was ready

"I have a plan" she stated dragging Eric to where everyone else was

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