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bellaramsey: new episode, go watch it

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bellaramsey: new episode, go watch it. 🙃

liked by jaibrooks , pascalispunk and 1,235,344 others

pascalispunk: So proud of you Bellie!
bellaramsey: thank you pedge 🤍


jaibrooks: omw 🏃‍♀️
liked by bellaramsey!

Jaiden turned her phone off, letting the woman who was doing her makeup continue. They made small talk about each others lives, talking about modeling, where they grew up, blah blah.

" Jaiden can you act?" Her friends voice was heard

" Bitch no who the fuck do you think I am?"

" Uhm my bestfriend?" Dena laughed

" Dena you need to stop with that cringy ass shit, I love you, but that's like me hopping into Bella's DM and saying " We're meant for each other", " Jaiden laughed at the thought of it while Dena shook her head, " You know, in the next season of The Last Of Us, they're gonna need a Dina." Her friend admits.

" What is your motive here? What are you trying to get at?" she gives her a side eye, arching one of her brows.

" I want you to try out asshole!" Dena laughs

" Mhm yeah we'll see about that, it doesn't sound bad, getting to see Pedro everyday i mean think about it, this is one of the most popular games in the world, do you know how much money that would bring in? i wouldn't have to worry about losing a pound or 3 every photo shoot i have!"

Jaiden sighs at the grasp modeling has on her, it's really the only thing she's got going for herself. She was cut out to be a model, starting her way from the bottom. No support, no money, no nothing. She didn't want to just throw it all away one day for a minimum wage job that she would be miserable at. Not that modeling doesn't make her miserable sometimes, but holy shit it's gotten worse.

She shakes all of that away for the moment, knowing she has a job to do.



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jaibrooks: new shoot pookies go buy a magazine with my fave on it ily 🤭💋

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jaibrooks: new shoot pookies go buy a magazine with my fave on it ily 🤭💋

liked by bellaramsey , dedewright and 45,679 others

dedewright: beyond proud!! 😁
jaibrooks: dede you are literally my mother.. ily.


pascalispunk: You go girl! 👏
jaibrooks: gurrl... ily 😭
bellaramsey: someone come take this man's phone 😭😭

I NEED IDEAS THIS CHAPTER IS SO FUCKING SHIT BRO YALL ARE BEING SILENT I NEED IDEAS i wanna make a story that you guys will actually enjoy so feedback is very much key!! 💋💋

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