Bella ★

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Jaiden was balls deep in half a bottle of Pink Whitney, celebrating her casting with her friends. They blasted Lana Del Rey while absorbing the music. She knew her limits on alcohol, she ran to the freezer and put her bottle in the freezer.

The music was loud, 3 dancing dumb blondes in the middle of Jaidens apartment. They were laughing and singing and honestly almost crying.


"Hello?.." jaiden slurred out.

" Jaiden?" a familiar british voice was heard

" shit shit! guys cut lana serious business phone call!" jaiden was panicked, scurrying around for the remote to turn the music down while the other two blondes discouraged.

Laughing was heard from the other line, while Jaiden finally got the music to pause, she quickly put the phone on her lap next to her friends, and put it on speaker.

" Hello?"

" Ohh my god i am so sorry about this, im not usually this much of a mess *hiccup* shit- wait no sorry crap- fuck me god i'm so sorry bella this is so unprofessional!"

Laughing was heard before the brit finally spoke " Well we know someone's had fun tonight!"

" fuck yeah, half a bottle- shit!- fuck!"

" you really don't have to be this professional with me Jaiden, you're one of us now be yourself!" he said laughing " and the fun part is, i'm doing the same!"

All three of the blonde's went wide eyed, until laughter broke about.

" Did you call me for something? or just to call?"

" oh no i called to personally explain why i casted you" He definitely wasn't as intoxicated as the three girls but they definitely had a few.

The three looked at each other in unison, utter disbelief was flowing out of them. i mean the Bella Ramsey just called to explain why she was casted.

" okay go on, i'm intrigued."

" Well I was nervous at first obviously, we know Dina has a more darker complexion, but when I saw you signed up for auditions, I had to see myself. don't think i'm a creepy stalker or anything but i've seen the short films you've done, and they are absolutely breathtaking, but the way that you can just get out of reality and put yourself into the characters you play is beyond admirable. but i think im ranting about now, i hope you have fun tonight Jaiden."

" oh my god you've watched those things? those were years ago! but thank you very much, and the way you portray yourself in character is beyond admirable too. I hope you have just as much fun as i'm about to, have a good night and you have my number now so we can stay in touch!"

" yes of course, and you as well Jaiden."

The phone call ended and the trio continued what they we're doing but Jaiden couldn't keep her mind off of what Bella said. She felt so accomplished, and the way that he said her name rung in her ears for the next couple of hours.



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jaibrooks: hello?? i feel obliterated 😘

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jaibrooks: hello?? i feel obliterated 😘

liked by bellaramsey, dedewright and 96, 926 others

miaduff, i don't wanna talk ab it.
jaibrooks, bitch then don't???

pascalispunk, i hope not too much fun, haha! 😝
jaibrooks, pedro ily
miaduff, I LOVE U PEDRO

bellaramsey, i feel like obliterated is an understatement..
miaduff, bella ur so silly
jaibrooks, mia one more strike
bellaramsey, what happens after the third?? 😳
miaduff, she blocks me until either me or her have something funny to show each other🥰🥰
liked by bellaramsey!

this actually took me so long for what?? like this is not serving cunt rn i'm so lost 🤨🤨🤨

HER. ★ Bella Ramsey Where stories live. Discover now