Dinner ★

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Surprisingly, time went by fast. it had only been a couple days since bella invited jaiden but it felt like centuries for the both of them.

Jaiden was getting ready, in her robe doing her skincare that she took very seriously when she felt like it. she thought it was the cutest thing ever, getting out of the shower and pampering yourself.

She took her sweet time. she started getting ready 5 hours before she had to leave... but she was getting ready.

She finished her skincare, did some makeup, not too much though, wanted to look decent but not look like she tried too hard.


jaibrooks: photo credits @miaduff  she sadly did a good job

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jaibrooks: photo credits @miaduff she sadly did a good job.. EVERYONE BLOCK HER SHE DONT DESERVE THIS CREDIT 😡

Liked by pascalispunk, miaduff, and 59,286 others!

miaduff, yk fuck u i'm blocking u 😔😔
jaibrooks, can't wait for the funny vids later 😘

user, wowza 😍😍

After bella had texted jaiden to be on her way to the restaurant, her uber arrived. she hopped in almost gagging at the anxiety flowing throughout her body.

she looked up the restaurant to see where she was and how long she has to mentally prepare. once she is ready enough, the uber dropped her off.

" thank you."  jaiden smiled at the uber driver that had been prepaid, either from bella or pedro. once she made a mental note to pay them back, she opened the door and went in.

when she spoke to the busser in the front, she escorted jaiden to where the pair was sat. she smiled at them when they stood up competing for an introduction.

" Bella, Pedro." she smiled walking over to them.

when she was close enough she extended her hand out for pedro to shake first, but he declined and gave her a hug. when it came to bella, she just went with the handshake.

" how are you guys tonight?" jaiden asked while grabbing the menu

" we're good, ready to eat, but good" the brit explained

" it's so nice to actually meet you jaiden, do i seem creepy to you?" pedro asked genuinely confused

jaiden was in the middle of taking a sip of water when it almost came out of her nose as she bursted out with a small laugh.

bella joined in once she realized what the laughter was about. pedro looked between the two in confusion with a smile on his face.

" what?!" pedro laughed

" pedro babe, that was a little too random. i do not find you creepy though you should find me creepy i've literally watched every movie you've been in." jaiden said

" aw i feel honored!" pedro smiled

the waiter came over to take everyone's request, jaiden waited for last to see what they we're getting, she ordered a broccoli and cheddar soup with wine on the side.

gonna split this up into two parts cause i have no clue what to do !!!

HER. ★ Bella Ramsey Where stories live. Discover now