Chapter 2

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"Momma! Look! A froggy!" Josie came running into the house with her hands cupped causing me to jump then frown.

"Josie. Go put that back outside, no creatures in the house!" I scold and she pouts. Arms wrap around my waist and a head sets on my shoulder.

"Tris, relax. She's 3. Let her have fun." Dale tells me then kisses my cheek. I sigh and nod, knowing he is right.

"I know, I know. I've just have had a long day." I admit and watch Josie cheerfully skip back outside.

"Your mom?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah. She called for the fifth time today."

"Well, you are married and have a daughter yet you haven't talked to her in 5 years..." He points out and I spin out of his grip angery that he's right, again.

"You know how hard it is for me to face my past there.." I sigh trying not to remember all of those betraying faces.

"I know, hon." He takes me into his arms again.

"Time has gone by so fast." I mutter watching Josie hop on walking stones in the backyard through the window.

"Your getting old." He teases.

"Your a year older!" I retort.

"Hey! 25 isn't old." He defends looking at me.

"Nor is 24." I roll my eyes.

"Alright, I have to get to work, love you both. Call me if you need somthing." He says sadly then kiss me and calls Josie inside. Dale owns a auto shop in town then he started when we first moved her.

"I have to go babygirl, love you." He kisses her forhead and she pouts.

"Daddy I wanna come too!" Josie whines and he picks her up.

"Not today babygirl, I'm sorry, but let's make a deal. You be good for mommy and I'll bring you a piece of chocolate." Dale bargines and she shakes her head.

"No. Two." She puts up four fingers and I chuckle. This happens everyday literally.

"I suppose. Now I love you, bye." She kisses him on the cheek and he sets her down with a grin. After kissing me one last time he grabs papers and leaves. Josie climbs up onto the couch and stares at me boredly.

"What do you want to do today, Josie?" I ask sitting by her and putting her on my lap.

"Um..... Shopping!" She squeals excited. Gosh, just like her Aunt Kelsey.

"I suppose we could. But how about some lunch first!" I chase her to the kitchen and pull out some bread.

"Gill cheese!" She forgets the r and I laugh. She's adorable. I cook it how she likes it with ham and get her apple juice.

"There you go, I'm going to go get dressed, okay? Yell if you need somthing." I tell her and she nods slurping her juice. After turning on The Wiggles I go in the room Dale and I share. I slip on a yellow sun dress and braid my hair down the side. Choosing a clean pair of white shorts and pink 'Daddy Loves Me' shirt for Josie, I go back to the living room where Josie was seated to find the TV off and her trash was scattered on the coffee table.

"Josie?" I shout concerned that the back yard sliding door was open. I quickly walk over and look outside. After scanning the yard and not seeing her I start to panic.

"Josie, its not time to play, come out!" I shout again looking around the small one floor house. I hear a giggle from the bathroom and I sigh in relief.

"Don't come in mama.." She sings causing me to worry at what she has done. I silently say a prayer then open up the door.

"Josie..." I groan at the sight of her. She was sitting on her Sophia the First stool with tooth paste spread throughout her shoulder length brown hair.

"Sorwy mommy.. I was gonna brush teeth." Josie pouts and put her toothpaste covered hands in her lap. I sigh then smile at her innocence stare.

"Josie, no more playing with toothpaste, okay?" I scold and pick up the empty tube off the floor to throw it away in the trash bin. As I start to wipe up the paste from the floor, I hear sniffles.

"Hey hon, what's wrong?" I ask bending next to her small frame. Josie has her head in her laps and I can hear her quietly crying.

"I was just trying to help momma." She looks up with glossy eyes and it tugs my heart seeing her this worried about a small incident.

"Baby, your fine. I'm sorry, let's get you cleaned up then go get some more toothpaste." I tell her and start a bath.

"Okay! Are we still going to the mall?" She asks brightly grinning. I pour in some bubbles and nod.

"Of Course." I try and get the paste out of her hair the best I can after looking up various homeade rememdies.

"Brrrrr." Josie shivers as I wrap the towel around her small body and start to brush out her tangled locks.

"All better?" I ask finishing slipping on her flipflops and she nods ready to go. I grab my purse then a bag full of extra clothes and snacks for Josie.

"I'm a big girl momma, I can buckle myself." Josie tells me proudly scooting into her carseat.

"Yes you are, but your still my baby girl." I coo and she frowns. We decide to stop at the general store in town first for a couple of things.

"Can I pwleaseeee get some chocolate?" Josie whines holding one of my hands while the basket in the other.

"Maybe." I give her a pointed look to behave and she stops complaining.

"Mommy! Look! A Sophia the First coloring book! Can I please look at it?" She squeals while I am looking at pasta sauces and I wave her off.

"Sure, stay close. No talking to strangers." I absent mindly say comparing prices and she let's go of my hand. Fettichini. That sounds perfect for tonight.

"Hey hon, does this sound good?" I turn around to ask Josie, but I'm the only one in the isle. My eyes widen and I frantically toss the sauce in the basket then jig down the isle to the end.

"Josie?" I yell in a harsh whisper searching the store. This can't be happening... where is she?

"Excuse me m'am. Have you seen a little girl with brown hair walking around?" I ask a worker as I anxiously tap my foot.

"What kind of parent are you losing a kid?" She scoffs and I am taken back. Ouch, okay. I take it as a no she hasn't and quickly continue my search. Tears start to well in my eyes when I can't find her and I lean agianst at wall, pulling out my phone to call Dale. Why am I never the responsible and better parent?

"Woah, my daddy has more though!" I hear a laugh and I sigh in relief at the sound of my princess. Ending the call I pick up my basket and quickly follow her laugh.

"Josie, I-" I turn around the corner and my breath hitches. Josie was in the arms of a tall built man with a grin on her face. What got me the most the man.

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