Chapter 17

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Tobias POV

"Tobias!" Tris cries out wrapping her arms frantically around me.

"Hey girl.." I rub small circles on her back as she doesn't loosen her grip.

Tris looks like shit when she pulls back. Her once intriguing eyes are now lifeless and red, I can see a small bump already forming on her, but I can also see the weight she has lost in her face. Tris's hair is damp showing she has just taken a shower, but it is strung low across her face leading down to the oversized clothes I can tell that were Dale's.

"W-what are you doing here?" She asks wiping small tears from her face that I wish I could wipe away.

"I'm here for you obviously." I reply and pull her back into my chest.

"I'm still pissed at you." She whispers quietly into my shirt.

"I know, I know." I mutter while resting my chin on her head.

"Tobias?" I hear Christina come up with surprise and Tris instantly pulls away wiping tears.

Damn you Chris.

"What are you doing here?" She asks with furrowed eyebrows and I roll my eyes.

"For Tris obviously, why is everyone else here, but it's such a damn surprise I am?" I point out motioning towards the living room full of people.

"Guys, please don't start now." Tris begs in a small whisper.

"Sorry." I wrap my arm back around her neck, over her shoulder, and follow her towards the living room.

"What the hell is he doing here?" I hear a boy, Ben I think, mutter and I ignore him.

"I-I'm sorry it's a mess and all." Tris apologizes running a hand through her hair and I frown.

"You have no reason to be sorry, you're going through a ruff time." I release my arm from her as she takes a seat on the couch next to the blue haired girl.

"How have you been keeping up?" I ask Tris even though I know the answer. Christina, even though she hates me right now, has been keeping me updated on Tris.

"Oka- not so well," She shakes her head and continues, "Honestly, I feel like shit. Memories keep coming back and I feel myself drifting away. I-I can hardly sleep without dreaming of my baby a-and Dale."

"Tris.. Honey.." Blue hair, or Kelsey, embraces Tris with a frown on her face and comforts her.

"It'll get better." I speak up and she looks up at me through hair that has fallen in her face.

"Better? How can things get better? My whole life is gone, everybody I loved, my future. They are gone and not coming back. How can things get better?"

"Tris, I-"

"No. I need a few minutes alone." She cuts me off and stands up before quickly walking out of the living room.

"Great job." Christina remarks.

"I didn't mean to." I frown, but I still get disapproving looks.

"Zekes almost here." Christina announces looking at her phone and my head snaps up.

"Zeke? He's coming?" I ask confused. I haven't seen him in a long time, a very long time.

"Yeah, Will is too." She says taking a seat on a recliner.

"Oh." I feel like I should feel remorse or something for Tris, the only thing is, I don't. I don't feel bad that he got in the car accident, I don't feel bad that he got injured. I don't even feel guilty that he didn't make it.

If anything, I was relieved that Tris isn't his anymore. That I can actually hang out with her and not have to worry about the other guy.

The thing I do miss though is Josie. I really started growing on her, she was so oblivious and innocent. Tris adored her and Josie revolved around Tris's life.

Overall, as fucked up as it sounds. I'm happy and I don't feel guilty for anything.

"Where is she at?" I instantly stand up when I hear Zeke's voice down the hall.

"In her room. Little fuck boy made her cry." I hear Kelsey mutter and I clench my fist.

"Tobias?" Zeke calls out surprise as he enters the living room.

"Hey." I give a small head nod and he frowns.

"Why are you here?" He asks and I groan. Why is everyone asking me that?

"Is that Zeke?" Tris's broken voice calls from down the carpeted hall.

"She's in the second room on the left." Ben says and Zeke mutters a thanks before going to find Tris.

"So, how long have you guys been here?" I ask tapping my foot.

"A few days." Noah shrugs.

I feel guilty for not coming sooner, but she needed time and space from me. Honestly the only reason I came today is because I wanted to see her. I needed to see her.

"I'm going to go check on them." I announce standing up from my seat.

"That's not a good idea. Give her some space." Kelsey frowns.

"I gave her three weeks. I need to talk to her." I point out selfishly and walk away before they attack me with their opinions.

"Maybe if I hadn't of-" The voices stop when I knock on Tris's bedroom door and I hear footsteps before the door opens, facing me with Zeke.

"Can I talk to her?" I ask even though I am if he doesn't like it.

"You shouldn't." He replies staring at me coldly.

"Zeke, it's fine." Tris speaks up softly from the back of the room and Zeke looks hesitant before giving me a hard glare and leaving.

"Hey." I give her a cautious smile when Zeke leaves the room and shuts the door.

"Hey." She mumbles so quietly I almost miss what she says.

"Um, mind if I sit?" I ask glancing at the bed she is sitting on and she scoots over so I can take a seat.

"You don't have to be here." Tris states a few minutes later and I frown. Does she want me to leave?

"I know. I just needed to make sure your okay." I say and she looks up at me with glossy eyes that breaks my heart.

"I'm not okay."

"Tris, you have to know none of this was your fault." I tell her and she shakes her head repeatedly.

"No! It is. I shouldn't have been so careless with you that night. None of this wouldn't of happened, it's all my fault. I hate myself for it." Tris cries out tears sliding off her cheeks and I reach to wipe it.

"Don't." She snaps moving my hand away and I sigh before reluctantly putting it down.

"Tris listen, it's not your fault. It's mine, if anyone's." I slowly put my hand on my lap and I'm surprised she lets it stay.

"Can you go?" She asks in a small voice and my eyes widen.

"W-why? Tris I want to stay with you."

"Please, I need space." Her voice tremblings and my chest is aching.

"I'll he-"

"Go. Please. It hurts to talk to you, I will when I'm ready. Please just go." She whimpers turning away. After a second of hesitation I slowly get up and take one last long ok at her broken figure before I go.

This time I won't be there to wipe away her tears.

Sorry guys, it's been a long two weeks for me. I didn't edit or even reread this chapter so sorry if there are lots of mistakes!! I will fix it asap!

Let me her your thoughts and ideas!!

I think I miss Dale and Josie :/

Anywho... Vote ,Comment, Follow 😊

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