Chapter 11

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I groan as sunlight hits my eyes and I shift in my bed.

"Don't wake me up yet." My eyes snap open at the gruff voice and I'm met with a tattooed back.

Alarmed, I quickly sit up and realize this isn't my bed or my room. I yelp when I notice I have no clothes on and I pull the black comforter up to my chest.

"Tobias.." I hiss shaking his sleeping body next to me.

"Hmmm?" He groans turning around to face me.

"Why the fúck am I here?" I ask harshly and he slightly smirks.

"You don't remember last night." It's more of a statement then a question.

"Did you take advantage of me?" I snap in disgust.

"What? Hell no, Tris. I would never." Tobias exclaims sitting up.

"Oh my.... did we..?" I motion to our bodies and he bites his lip.

"Yeah." He nods and I feel like the bed has fallen from under me. That can't be true. I would never do that to Dale.

"No, that's not true." I mutter with blurry eyes.

"Tris, calm down." Tobias leans over and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Get the hell away from me." I shout pushing him away.

"Tris lis-" I cut him off.

"No, you listen. This was all apart of your plan right? Take me out, get me drunk, and seduce me? Your a fricken bastard." I cry out losing his trust.

"It's not like that! I was drunk too."

"Well, not as drunk as me if you remember it. Why would you do that?" I accuse angrily.

"Your the one who started dancing with me and agreed to go." He retorts and I feel like slapping him.

"You could of said NO! Dammit Tobias, you know I'm a married woman! Why didn't you say no?" I broke down crying.

"How the hell was I suppose to say no when I love you so much? How could I deny you?" He shouts and I squeeze my eyes shut.

I hate him so much. I hate him.

"I have to go." I mutter before abruptly standing up while holding the sheet. "Fuck." I hiss when I immediately feel dizzy and my head starts to pound as I stand.

"I'll get you aspirin." The bastard says and I don't deny while I collect my clothes strewn on the ground.

I'm finished dressing and Tobias still hasn't come back so I decide to leave. I have to get home, I can't be here anymore.


"Tris, where the hell have you been? I was worried!" Christina exclaims as I step into the house tiredly.

"Shit. I have a headache. Can you get me an aspirin?" I ask making my way to my bedroom and she slowly nods.

"Momma!" Josie comes running out of her room and I groan at the loudness of her voice.

"Hey, baby. Mommys not feeling good. Can she go lay down for a bit then then talk?" I ask bending down to her height.

"Otay." She frowns and trudges away. I sigh and walk to my room then plopping on the bed.

"Tris. Explain." Christina demands walking in with a glass of water and pills. I take the medicine and gulp down my water before leaning back in my bed.

"I messed up, Chris." I start to get teary eyed and she sits next to me concerned.

"What happened?"

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