Chapter 3

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*Tobias POV*

"Need help finding anything?" An employer flirted with me and I scoff.

"No," I snap not in the mood and she flinches. I am currently buying stuff for a road trip where I am planning on finding Tris and apologizing. Cliché, I know right. I already tried her old number which didn't work and her parents haven't had any contact with her of course. I am just coming to realize that I was always in love in her and it wasn't just a stupid dare.

"You sure?" The lady continues her sad attempt and I ignore her walking away.

Okay anyways, I really need toothpaste, axe, deoderant, and s-

"Excuse me mister.." A small whimper catches me off guard and I look down. A small girl is looking up at me with glossy eyes and a pout on her lips.

"Hey, what wrong?" I frown crouching down to her level and my breath hitches. I feel like I know her. She looks so familiar. It's those eyes that I know.

"I dunno where momma is." She starts to cry and suprises me by wrapping her arms around me so I hug her back.

"What's your name, hon?" I ask and she wipes back tears.

"Josie." She tells me and I grin.

"Well Josie you are going to be fine." I reassure.

"I'm scared." Josie frowns clutching my shirt.

"I'm strong. I won't let anything get you." I show her my muscles flexing proudly. I notice a few glances of women near by, but I focus on Josie.

"Woah, my daddy has more though!" She exclaims laughing and I pretend to be offened though that did actually hurt my guy ego.

"Josie, I-" A voice of concerns carries from around the corner then stops. That voice.

"Mama!" Josie cheerfully shouts wiggling her way out of my arms. I look up to see a young beautiful women and with that years of guilt came flooding in.

"Tris?" I croak and Josie looked up from hugging her legs. Wait does that mean Tris is Josie's mother..? No, I don't believe it, I refuse to.

"Four." She sneers with hatred and I frowned.

"You know him mommy? So do I." Josie grins at us then she starts pulling Tris near me, but in a second Tris scoops Josie onto her hip.

"Come on honey, we have to go." Tris tells her and Josie pouts. Everytime I look at Josie I am jealous that Tris shared those moments with someone besides me.

"Hear me out, please." I grip her forarm begging as she walks past me.

"I have nothing to say." She snaps and her daughter looks confused at why Tris is pissed off.

"But I do."

"Let me go, Four." Tris demands and her rejection hurts like hell, but I'm determained to get her to listen.

"Just tell me. Why? Why did you marry him?" I ask with disgust.

"Marry him? Trust me it wasn't hard." She laughs unhumorously then continues "Dale is a good guy, he loves his daughter, he cares for us, he makes us laugh, he loves me."

"I care too." I tell her with pleading eyes.

"Who dared you this time? Who put you up to coming around and tricking me again? Was it Christina? Toni?" Tris asked amused, but when she looked up her eyes shown with tears and I flinch.

"Who's Tona?" Josie interjects looking at us with curiousity.

"Tris, everything I said a few years ago I didn't mean... I was angry and jealous. I wanted to mae you feel the pain I felt and I was an idiot for doing that. Please forgive me, but just know I will never stop trying for you." I promise her.

"I have a family now. I love them. I don't love you anymore." She states.

"Come with me, we can be happy. I will love Josie as a daughter, please." I beg desperate for her love again.

"You are fricken crazy if you think I'd leave Dale, especcially to be with you." Josie cocks her head to the side and wiped a fallen tear I have caused off of Tris's chin.

"We ca-" I am cut off by being thrown back and cursed at.

"What the hell man? Leave my girls alone." A man shouts wrapping his arms around Tris and Josie. Dale.

"Daddy Stop!!" Sweet Josie yells frightened cowering into Tris's neck.

"I'm so sorry babygirl." Dale coos brushing her cheek and I stand back up angerly.

"Don't touch me again." I threaten darkly and Dale frowns.

"Babe, go out to the car, yeah?" Dale mutters to Tris who agrees, looking fearfully at me. Is she afraid of me?

"You don't deserve her." I scoff.

"Listen man, all I know is you broke her and I won't allow her to go through that pain again." Dale tells me coldly and I raise my eyebrows.

"You. Don't. Deserve. Her." I repeat again.

"I know damn well I don't, hell she is perfect, no one deserves her." That's it. I clench my fist and step forward to punch him, but he steps back.

"Coward." I hiss and he shakes his head.

"I will not fight you. Tris wouldn't want that, she still cares for you, you know. I promise to always keep her safe." He reassures. That's the problem, I want to be the one keeping her safe.

"You don't know her." I snap angerly at how highly he speaks of her.

"I'm her husband. I've spent the last five years with her, we have told each other everything. So don't go saying I don't know my own wife." Dale scowls frowning in frusteration.

"Bet you don't about Tris and her parents." I sneer like a four year old and cross my arms.

"You mean parent, not parents. She doesn't talk to them anymore especcially since her 'dad' turned into a bastard." Dale states.

"Well, you don't know about the car acci-"

"Car accident where she couldn't remember 7 years of her life?" He cuts me off. Damn, he's good.

"I won't give up on her." I promise and to my suprise he doesn't get angry.

"I respect that. Tris is an amazing women and I can see why you care for her so much. Just please don't hurt her again. She needs a friend like you." I hate Dale. Not because he is an ass, but because he is good for Tris. Better than I would be.

"And if I don't want to be just a 'friend'?" I challenge him.

"We have a daughter who I love so much, Four. Please don't do anything stupid to affect her life. Please understand Josie, Tris and I are a family, do you really want to break a family apart?" Dale asks then walks away. Of course I didn't want to break a family apart, but its Tris in that family. Its Tris who is suppose to be my family.

What the hell am I going to do now?

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