When He Cheats On You (Part Two)

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You and your other friends were walking around in the park, giggling and talking about random stuff until you saw a 'Cheesecake Factory' place Masky always told you about.

Of course, because of the death of your family member, you both decided to keep your distance from each other for a little bit.

So, you decided to get Masky a cheesecake in 'thanks' of doing what you asked. Walking inside and bringing only one of your friends with you, (B/F), you went up to the cashier.

"Hiya! How can I help you today?" The cashier grinned with a bright smile, waving her hand at you both.

You smiled and decided what to get.

"I would like a New York Style Cheesecake please! (B/F), do you want anything?" You offered to (B/F) as the kind cashier put in your order.

"Well, if you insist!" (B/F) grinned and ordered a small pastry.

"Okay girls, that will be $7.50!" The cashier smiled.

You paid and got your orders, sitting down at a table and just chilling around. You had texted your friends to go ahead without you both for a little bit.

You heard a giggle behind you and turned around, nearly gaping at what you saw.

There was your boyfriend, feeding a girl that was so much prettier and smiling before pecking her cheek.

"Aw, nope! Not happening!" (B/F) got up and marched over there, grabbing their cheesecake and slamming in onto Masky's face.

Tears were streaming down your face as he noticed you, and you quickly got up and ran out, (B/F) chasing after you.



It was simple, you were walking your dog (if you don't like dogs, just put an animal of your choice, kay? Kay.) and you saw Hoodie giving roses to a girl and kissing her.

"Hoodie?" You questioned, hoping you were mistaken.

"(Y/N)?! Oh, I'm sorry! It was an accident!" He yelled, trying to hug you as you yanked yourself away.

"Wait, you had a girlfriend?" The girl screamed and slapped Hoodie, heading over to you.

"I'm so sorry! He never told me he had a girlfriend!" She apologized, looking at you with sad eyes.

"It's okay, you didn't know." You sniffles, wiping your eyes of tears.

"Hey, wanna have a movie night? It'll cheer you up, and it's on me!" She offered, smiling and tugging on your sleeve.

Looking at the girl you didn't even know the name too, you decided to take a chance and go.

"Okay..." You grinned.


Laughing Jack:

You found him kissing a girl in your house.

It was just gross, like, no way!

OCD was a top priority for you, and this was unacceptable.

"Ew! Jack, it's over, and take the freakin' couch with you! Whatever your name is, get out!" You yelled, pointing at the door as your nose wrinkled in disgust.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)! I didn't mean too!" He mumbled, picking up the couch with his long arms and leaving the house.

"You better be!"

"Now I need a new couch....."


Hey guys!

I'm back, and I'm up and running again!

Thanks for reading!

More updates soon.


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