You Get Back Together

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BEN Drowned:

After a couple months, BEN stopped bothering you completely. It was a relief, since you could now finally attempt to move on.

Boy, were you wrong.

One day you woke up and decided to take a fresh walk in the morning.

(B/F) was still keeping an eye on you just in case, but you were alone now, and if you wanted to take a walk, you were going to take a walk.

Putting some comfortable clothes, you made your way outside.

You were halfway done with your walk when you got a call.

"Hello?" You asked as you put the phone up to your ear.

" turning around for me?" BEN's voice filled the air as you heard him from the phone speaker and behind you.

You did, and there BEN was standing with flowers and a bunch of stuff in his hands, no doubt presents for you.

You weren't going to have it though.

"BEN, I'm sorry but I really have to get going."

"Mind listening to me first?" He asked, looking up at you.

You stood up straight and gestured for him to talk.

"I know I messed up...really bad too. I love you, I hope you know that and I've been planning all these months trying to get you back. I called some friends of mine, and we all set up a surprise. I'm awful sorry for everything I've done to hurt you...I don't expect you to take me back, I wouldn't either. But I just wanted to give you these as an apology. Goodbye (Y/N)..." He murmured and gently placed all the stuff he bought you in your arms, before turning around and heading to leave.

So you knew BEN, and that was as romantic as he was going to get. You knew you had to cut the boy some slack, and be extra careful around him. But one choice was final.

You were going to give him a second chance.

Dropping all the stuff he bought you, you grabbed his wrist and tugged him back.

He turned, his eyes already rushing with tears. (He was in his human form)

"(Y/N)?" He sniffled, wiping his eyes.

You said nothing but pressed your lips to his in a forgiving kiss.


Jeff The Killer:

You were back to normal after a couple weeks of (B/F)'s comfort and therapy sessions as he/she called it.

Walking along the mall, you saw a pretty bracelet with charms on it of all your favorite things.

'That's so cute!' You thought, before looking at the price.

"Holy crap! Not cute anymore!" You yelled, catching the attention of people walking by as you ran away from the display.

You didn't notice a certain killer in his human form, a smirk forming on his face as he looked at the bracelet.

Humming to a small tune as you did the rest of your shopping, a boy offered to help you with your bags.

"Really? Thanks!" You thanked as he held some of your bags.

Both of you started chatting as a raspy voice broke into place.

"Back away from my girl." You looked up to find Jeff.

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