How You Met

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BEN Drowned:

You were a freakin video game addict. Every single little game you had.

A cabinet full of games, all with their labels. Your extreme favorite though.... was the Legend Of Zelda! (WHO DOESNT?! Mom: what chu talking bout? Me: nothing...) The only one you didn't have was Majora's Mask. So you went into GameStop and got the game.

~back at le majestic home~

You powered on your Nintendo 64 and played the game. Then everything started messing up and a stupid statue started popping up.

"Why do I always get the broken games?!" You yelled in frustration.

Just then green letters popped up on the screen saying 'You Shouldn't Have Done That...' and a boy came out of your T.V.

You stared wide-eyed at him. He looked just like Link but with black eyes and red pupils.

"Link?" You blurted out before covering your mouth. His face scrunched up and looked at you.

"Heck no! I'm BEN.... BEN Drowned." He smirked at you.

"Um... okay? Were you making my game mess up?" You asked. BEN nodded.

"Kay." You replied. "Hm. You're interesting. See ya (Y/N)!" He yelled as he went back into your T.V.

Jeff The Killer:

You were walking home, and pretty tired too. Your friends got drunk and passed out. There was no way you would carry them so you just left. It was midnight, and all you wanted to do was sleep. You heard footsteps and a knife against your neck.

"Go To Sleep!" A raspy voice cackled.

"I'm trying to! Geez, let me get home and sleep boy, and get the knife away from me before I cut chu." You muttered, pouting. You turned to find a pale person with a cut smile and no eyelids. You smiled and put out your hand lazily.

"I'm (Y/N)." You chirped. He shook it.

"Jeff." He said, twirling his knife before putting his knife in his hoodie pocket.

You waved goodbye before trudging up your stairs, which were now visible to you.

He waved back, dumbstruck and ran off.


You took a walk in the woods, feeling kind of like you werent alone, you shrigged it off, thinking you were just being paranoid.

You were wrong.

It was the static that almost made your ears bleed. You screamed.

"Make it stop!" The static died down. Then a person in a suit looked at you.

Slenderman. Yep you knew him, from games and stuff.

"You need to stay out of the woods (Y/N)." He said.

"I dont want you getting hurt." He added. You nodded and waved before walking home. One question though.

How the heck did he know your name?

Sonic Exe.:

You were a huge fan of Sonic, so when your friend gave you a game that had Sonic, you were happy. You quickly started playing it, until you started seeing dead animals and Sonic kill Tails. 'What the fudge?' You mouthed.

Then a blue head came out of your T.V.

Um. No. Heck no. Your T.V is not gonna vomit out some boy you did not know.

He resembled Sonic. So being the smart person you were, you knew his name was Sonic.

You walked up to him, ignoring the fact that he had bloody eyes, and slapped him.

"You made me lose my game!" You yelled. He rubbed his cheek and smirked.

"I like you. See you (Y/N)." He said and jumped back into your T.V.

You didnt care. You thought about your poor T.V.

Eyeless Jack:

You were sleeping.

With your window open. (A/N: Dummy .-.)

You felt your shirt lifting up and you just thought it was your little brother trying to tickle your sides.

So you swatted at the hand. You heard a chuckle.

Everything was quiet, but when you opened your eyes, there was a random dude in your room staring at you, with a dark blue mask.

You honestly did not care. You wanted sleep.

"Did you do that?" You asked. He nodded.

You threw a pillow at him. He caught it, then a lamp hit his head.

He groaned and nearly fell out the window, leaving his name on your desk on a note.

Then he fell out the window.

Heller there everyone! Fine evening! No? Fine be that way. *goes to corner and pouts.*

Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenarios [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now