Chapter 4

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Your mom was smiling like she never smiled before. You knew exactly what that smile meant. " Dad I'll get you some more cookies, okay".
"Thanks dear".

You stood up shyly and tensed up. Your mom followed you in the kitchen.
"Y/N dear, I know there something wrong...if you could just tell me please, I'm your mother".

You sighed letting your nervous emotions aside. "Fine mom... It's just I'm thinking of someone".

Your mom smiled and patted your back. " oh baby... I knew it. Sooo tell me who's this guy".

Your chubby cheeks warmed up. "Well all I can say he does MMA and he's a quiet guy".


"oh I forgot... look, we only met 2 weeks ago and we should know each other".


It's was night so your parents went home and they were tired too. Your dad was proud hearing from he's brother your favorite Uncle Collin that you're doing great.

Taking a slumber sleep. Your dreams were heading on its way.


Putting on your black jeans that were tight around your chubby thighs and hips. A white t-shirt this time. Your hair in a cute pony tail with strands of hair in your face.

I mean you're working so you need to look neat and comfy. Quiet the warm weather in Japan.

Driving to your restaurant you parked your car down the road. Walking fast in the entrance and greeted by a few customers already. "Morning!". You smiled and headed in the kitchen to see how's it going.

You saw your Uncle wasn't here yet. That means you're on your own. As you were organizing the menu's the table clothes and the decorations. You were keeping the place in shape. The waiters came also for work and checked in.

All the workers and chefs appreciate your kindness and hardwork respect because they enjoy their job now. Not a miserable mess.

Finally seeing your uncle you gave him a big hug. "Morning Uncle". He smiled and patted your shoulder to return the hug.
"morning dear, I see you got this place up".

Heading in his office upstairs. You followed up to the balcony to clear the flowers and fish tank. Normally people that have dates or baby showers feast there.

Downstairs was getting a few more customers. You went down to go help. After all people want a great morning breakfast.


The smell of coffee and muffins in the aroma. The clashes sound of cups on plates.
The chuckles of people and tappings of customers laptops was like music in your ears.

Taking off the curtains of the theater stage to be met with a view of paintings and a few statues and sculptures so that it doesn't look empty.

So far there hasn't been any functions or parties on the stage.

Going to the huge windows and opening it. To the ocean view and hills of cherry blossom trees. The sight of children playing too.

And your job was done. All you did was help with cooking and cleaning. As you sat by the reception table you received a call.
"morning this is Bizarre Dine how may I help you"?

"Morning to you too, this is the butler of the Hashikawa mansion we would like to have an appointment?".

Well so shocked and nervous you smiled and went on.
"Sure for what occasion is it a function or just a table meeting"?

Dominant Male x chubby reader Where stories live. Discover now