Chapter 11

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Well would you look at that guys. Retsu is World Champion for Japan. He got extra money. He won prizes like gift cards and dinner dates with ministers.

He will also be having a date with the Emperor. Wow Retsu is meeting the most famous but respected people in Japan.

I mean any happy man would be so proud of himself because he will be known as the best. Unlike Retsu.

Yes he was glad he won. Yes he got money and other VIPs respect. He's in the lime lights.... But something is still on his mind. He's totally not happy.

No one watched him fight. His friends were there but no family were there. His mom is his biggest weakness. His father sight would make him a man he won't recognize himself.

Eiko sat in her some sort of fancy couch in her house. Nipped her cigarette on the ash-tray. " Wow I guess My Retsu won... Unfortunately I could not go it was too full of ugly people". She switched her TV off and stood up.

Eiko has become completely mad. " That fattie pig was probably at the match. Retsu maybe also got her affection... that bitch".

Welp... Eiko looks like she has plans going on. That damn bitch. Eiko grunted and kicked the fragile coffee table and broke.

Y/N sitting with her parents and her dearest uncle. With her hands on her thighs in an awkward silence. The tension is building up.

"So your friend won for Japan.... That's nice". Your Dad said with no problem.

Your mom was so happy. "Oh dear he's a man with discipline and strength". Your mom held her  cheeks. Honestly that's weird seeing a old lady dream on a boy.

"So Uncle what are-". He cut you off.

He looked at your father,his younger brother, and back to you. " well as a young girl like you. You are experiencing the life of a woman. I guess you will also do what Retsu said Yesterday". Your uncle let out a  breath.

"Fine... I guess you are free. But you need to work out a new time table to check on the Restaurant". Your smile increased.

"Yes dear. Me or your dad here can always help you and watch the restaurant I mean... We barely have anything to do in our lives". Your mother smiled at you.

"your Mother is correct. The restaurant is a family business after all. It's our responsibility to stand with each other".
Your Father crossed his arms with his strict but calm face.

"Oh thank you guys. This is why I love you so much". The chubby girl stood up hold her hands together.
"You are the best. For that I won't let you down".

"so what now?". Your uncle stated.
" I don't know". Your dad mumbled.

" I'll go make Retsu a jersey he deserves one.".

Mom seriously you so unnecessary and embarrassing. Damn
Retsu POV:

currently I have Alot of work now on my back. I need to meet up with people.
Give fans my autograph. All that shit.

Also on top of that. I have meetings at my company. I need to make announcements.
It's so much. It's lunch time. Unfortunately I won't be able to go to Y/N and eat there.

Speaking of announcements. I am right here by one.  Sitting in the ball room meeting my whole company is at.

" as I was saying is. This company will be on break for the next 2 months maximum until further notice".

" because of my championship I have other attendannts to be at. So therefore this company cannot be operated without the owner".

" but that does not mean work will be incompelete...the Administration and HR with the financial departments have to work at home".

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