Chapter 5

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As Y/N was bringing the food with 2 other waiters with to help. Retsu spotted her. Her cute smile is gorgeous. She smirked with pride.

"Here you go gentlemen". They sat with drooling mouths. The steaming food smells delicious. Y/N then places Eiko's food personally for her. "Here you go Miss...enjoy". Eiko glared at the chubby lady.

Before you could step away Ken asked for the bathroom. "oh it's just down the passage then on your left you'll see".

The dinner was nice. Retsu gave small giggles and chuckles. Eiko was not much of a problem... Yet. All their plates were clean. Like they licked it. Retsu sometimes give small glances at Y/N when she walks past the table to help around. She seems very busy. Retsu enjoyed her kindness. She laughed with everyone here.

Eiko just kept holding his arm tight and it really disgust the shit out of him. Finally having time You came. The chubby lady heavy foots were heard by everyone.
"wow boys plates are clean makes my chores easier".

Bruno smirked. "Well such a pretty lady shouldn't work that hard ya know amore".

She smiled with a cocky smirk. "nicely said".
Retsu face was in pure jealousy. As You were taking in the plates you went to Retsu last. He looked up to you. You smiled and said. "you're really a good muncher MMA soon to be champion".

You walked away giving Retsu a playful gaze. Wayne, Saito, Bruno and Ken were sitting with open mouths looking at each other. " Did she just flirt with him or was she just kind". Wayne asked.

"Retsu you asshole you such a narcissist and a stoic man but get butterflies when you see her". Bruno moaned.

Eiko blood was boiling. With her skeleton rude ass she faked smiled and said she going to the bathroom. But actually she tried to sneak into the kitchen. Y/N wasn't there. She went in the storeroom. She wasn't there.... When she turned around she bumped into a heavy person.

"excuse me but only staff is allowed here". You said. Eiko was shocked but then turned red of jealousy and anger. "You!!".

You frowned. "yes... What's your situation".

Eiko the bitch she is. "Don't act so polite you cow... You, if you dare to make my Retsu smile I will kill you. With your disgusting body filled with oil".

Y/N replied stoicism. "It's my job to make customers feel welcomed... And if you don't feel welcomed you might as well leave".

Eiko wanted to slap you but you grabbed her arm." You bitch. I knew what you're trying to do. Let me do my job".

You glared in here eyes. Squeezing her arm tightly she winced in pain. You wacked her arm away stepped foot. " Also I don't have time to waste of foolish people like you. We're not enemies because I don't give  two fucks about you".

Y/N stepped away with a frown. Walking in a tempered way. Eiko threw tantrums and went back.

"Eiko what took you so long". Ken asked
"Nah ya know lady stuff". Ken didn't believe her because her whole attitude looks like it changed. Ken also spotted a bruised wrist.

In a while Y/N came back with smile again.
"Any dessert?". Everyone agreed what they wanted. Eiko was the last one to order.
" Thanks also don't eat all the puddings now you'll get diabetes". She snorted at her own lame joke. Retsu was frowning in anger.

Bruno couldn't take it anymore. " Eiko keep your dirty ass mouth shut". He looked at you. "Sorry my cara... It won't happen again".

You smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder which made him flutter. "No it's okay, I understand how people's minds work when they have a mental illness, I hope Miss Eiko is okay".

Wayne wanted to laugh but kept it in.
"ya know Eiko here is a bit coo-coo here so just manage with her". Saito played the game with. You nodded and gone away

" you guys are not serious right?".

"Eiko you are just estremamente fucking rude". Bruno shouted at her.

"Guys she's fat what guy wants a lady like that... I bet she can't fit in any model clothes that's why she wears just a jeans and -".

Retsu interrupted her. "Shut up just shut up!" some people looked at the table
Retsu whispered to her that the squad can hear. " if I hear another bitchy word out your mouth you will walk out here and walk home do you hear me".

Restsu threatened her. Look who's now  scared. She looked very upset. She sat there in silence. "Retsu my man". Wayne smiled at his actions. Eiko was frightened. I mean Retsu is a scary guy everyone fears.

"Here are the desserts". She placed down the plates and smiled at how happy they all looked. Retsu looked a bit upset which concerned you but asked. "Is everything okay here... If not just ask for help I'm at your service".

Bruno smiled and assured. "no everything is fine my cara dolcezza".

You smiled. "okay then just raise your hand if you need the bill".

" Dude stop flirting with her". Ken responded.

This dinner went well with a grumpy Eiko.
Everyone was done eating and chatting. They camped for like an hour then paid. You stood there with the card machine.
Retsu paid with no stress and it was a bit pricy. "Thank you all for eating here as your first time I hope I'll see you again and Mr. Hashikawa you're welcomed here any time".

You gave each 2 sweets and they left. The restaurant looked a bit empty it was 10pm.
Everyone went outside.

As you wiped the tables you saw Retsu walk in again. Retsu should be driving now. It's been 5 minutes. "Oh Mr. Hashikawa... How can I help".

The serious man he is placed a VIP permit card. "Mr. Hashikawa I can't accept such a expensive gift ".

Retsu was irritated. "No Idiot, it's a gift... Gifts are free. Take it you are now welcomed anywhere I go".

You stood up straight with your hands on your hips. "for what more exactly".

He crossed his arms looking down at you.
" you can watch my match for free. You can enter my business for free and my house.
If you read properly it has all my details".

You smiled and looked at the card. "oh yeah, Thank you so much for this. I appreciate it Alot... Well I can't say no".

Retsu got scary a bit. He leaned forward to you and whispered. " If you dare to say no I will cut off your tongue and that's will be the last thing you'll ever say".

You squinted a little backwards for some space. "oh-okay... I-I get it. No really I love this card... I will definitely watch you fight".

He smirked for 5 seconds and turned stoic again. "cheers ".

"wait...wait". He turned around almost as if the happiest thing happened to him.
" I can see you're not okay you look upset... And... I-I just wanted to say don't worry.... If you need someone to talk to... I'm here".

Retsu glared at you but smirked. "Sure... I'll keep that in mind".

He walked away with masculine pride. You were so nervous.

Chubby little Y/N heart was beating fast. She managed to talk to him. Yet Retsu look like a totally different guy now. You cleaned up everything. Helped the chefs and cleaners.
Your uncle went home. You needed to lock.

Lying in bed with just your underwear and t-shirt on. You held the black and gold card in your hand and stroked it with your thumb. "what is he trying to imply here"?

You placed it next to your head on the coffee table and went to sleep. For the next day of work.


Chapter 6 soon

I hope you enjoying this book
This book is far from finishing. 😩

LOVE yourself 😳✨🌸💖💜🌺🌟
Bye <3

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