Chapter 7

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It was a nice Monday afternoon 4pm. Retsu was training at home. Ken, Saito, Wayne and Bruno was there to help.

Lucky Eiko wasnt there. If only Retsu had the balls to call Y/N to help with training especially making some refreshment drinks.

Just the thought of Y/N and her cooking makes him so in love with you. Your nurturing style might be top quality.

" 1....2....3...4....". Bruno helped Retsu do speed punchies on the punch bag. When the others watch.

Retsu had a long afternoon training.

" That Eiko is ganna repay what she said.... If she was a man she'd be dead!" Retsu blurted out while punching full force.

" Hey No one cares about that stupid bitch just carry on your training". Bruno lectured.

While the boys had a nice Bro time helping Retsu train and practice. You had a interrupting guest.

Y/N was peacefully helping around the restaurant like she always do. But there wasn't a lot of customers it's not that time of the month ya know... People didn't get paid yet.

Instructing the chefs what to do because there was a little bit of a problem.
"okay chefs I see Mr. Yashi is not here he is sick unfortunately if he was here the kitchen would be in order... I'm here to help".

You helped with the chopping and preparations so that time is saved.
"alright just call me if I need to chop more okay". The chefs asses was saved thanks to you.

"Oh I forgot to work out the receipt". Walking to the reception desk. You heard rough heels clicking on the floor. You knew who's that.

" You fat pig look at me". You looked at her seeing her devastated face. "oohh Eiko you don't look good".

Eiko grabbed your shirt and tried throwing you to the ground but hey you heavy she just torn your shirt a bit. "Eiko what's wrong with you".

"You stole My boyfriend Retsu... Now he hates me". The whole audience stared at the two of you.

"Eiko look I have no idea what you talking about. Mr. Hashikawa is just a VIP member at my restaurant". You raise your hands up.

Eiko got so mad she punched you in the nose. "Eiko you're out!". Y/N grabbed Eiko and threw her outside. She fell to the ground and scabbed her knee open.

"sorry Eiko you allowed this to fall upon you now move it or I'll kill you myself".
She stood up limping away with tears.

"that's a mad woman". You went inside  to assure the customers. " Sorry ladies and gentlemen there was a misunderstanding with the woman and me. It's a bit of friend problems.. Thank you".

You saw the customers nod in agreement. Everyone trusted you already.


Retsu woke up with the thought of Y/N
" I'm going to win for her". He mumbled in his sleepy voice. He got ready to train the last day before the big match.


You on the other hand have a day off. "Hey Uncle can I have my day off tomorrow too".
Your uncle burned out his cigarette. "Child tomorrow is ganna be busy".

"uncle everyone is going to watch Hashikawa fight tomorrow night". You rolled your eyes while eating your breakfast.

"EXACTLY kid... Before watching the match some fans wanna eat". Seriously Uncle Collin. He just want to make money.

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