Chapter 10

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Retsu stood tall over you. Looking down at your Chubby form. Honestly your eyes adorn his musculine beauty.

You stared into his (e/c) eyes. Seeing his pretty eyes make you lost in them. The bonus part is that his eyelashes are pretty long.

Retsu breath got heavy and exhaled. Feeling his breath on your round face.
But Retsu tapped your shoulder for his answer.

You got out of gaze. Shaking your head.

Y/N whipped her face. Crossed her thick arms and sighed with her eyes that rolled.
"Fine Retsu I'll stay just don't take long it's 10pm".

She looked away with red cheeks. Retsu face sulked at your reaction or... Maybe manipulating you. He saw how flustered she got when he got close to her.

He walked away to his locker. "Well you can always leave me all alone injured here....i mean the workers are gone too".

It was a weird silence because you were confused why he said that and you did agree

Retsu sat down again fixings his scarred hand. "Because your face don't look too convincing". Retsu frowned

"Oh come on!! Get done. There's no time playing your stupid games". She stood there with her shoulders tight.

"Okay whatever can you help me wrap the bandage please". Retsu's asked

You gently wrapped the bandage over his hands. You also help his scratches that was on his back and arms. Guess who's flustered now.

Retus felt like a child again. Trying to keep his serious face. He enjoyed how your soft warm hands touch his rock body. He thought that you very mother material.

You told him to get dressed and go home.
" yeah... I need to meet the doctor tomorrow for a check up. Just in case".

You smiled at him packing all the aid kits away. "Yeah I have work tomorrow... Wednesdays work is little".

" speaking of your delicious food made me strong". Retsu had a small smirk. Poor Y/N was a flustered mess.

"Yep. That's my job". You gave a nervous laugh.

"Ready to go Retsu".


Walking out Tokyo Dome seeing your car and his. Parked at the VIP area. Seeing Retsu unlocked his car. You didn't want him to leave. He needed someone with him to celebrate and take care of him at home right?

Retsu might be a heartless stoic asshole who is intimidating but he can be sensitive too and you noticed that. You just wanted to support him.
"Why am I so caring about him... Do I like him?". You whispered to yourself in denial.

"Y/N...". Retsu turned to you.


"Goodnight".Retsu looked deep in your eyes with that serious face of his. But you saw his eyes looked different that his face now.
He was very sincere even if he said something little.

You smiled softly. "Goodnight Retsu". You got in your car driving off. Seeing Retsu get in his car.
Geez it can be difficult reading Retsu emotions... Ahhh.

Retsu POV:

My life have changed so much. I knew my Dad will never come to watch. My brother didn't have time either. Mom.. I hope you watched me win for you.

Retsu stood in the steaming hot shower in his huge pearl white clean bathroom.

I am the best, the strongest MMA fighter in the world now. Social media is probably going to interview me again.

Being the best that I worked hard for no one has ever appreciate it. Besides my close friends. But Mom was not here to cry in tears of joy in my arms. Mom would've cooked me the best Japanese meals.

Her laugh and smile... I just want to experience that again. If I had one chance.... If I had just... One more... Chance.

Poor Retsu was at the urge to shed tears.
(looks like Y/N crush is a mommy's boy💀)

Retsu laid in his bed. Looking at his ceiling thinking about you. Is Y/N really special to him? What made him do to make you his friend? How did a 'I'm fine' Retsu end with with the sunshine Y/N? Is it a sign to allow to be happy again?

I guess Y/N is happy I won. She watched me fight with pure agony. Seeing her genuine smile at the end. I heard her cheers and her screams. She supported me like a mother would do for her son. Like a wife would do for her husband.
( woah Retsu don't overthink :/ )

Retsu fell asleep while thinking about you to find comfort and warmth. Leading him in a deep slumber.



I can't believe myself. Why do I feel this way? It's like I'm in love. My heart is beating fast my cheeks are hot. My breathing pace increased.

Little Y/N chubby cheeks were hot because of Retsu. She was experiencing the anxiety of love.

I drank tea before heading in my room. I dressed into my sleeping clothes. Switched my decoration lights on. Laid in bed exhausted.

She finally cooled down all calm.

I really wish to be with him. Something tell me to be with Retsu emotionally.
I would've made him something nice to eat. I would've helped him on his body.

Make him feel happy. Make him proud of himself. I just want to care for him. Like a mother would do for for her son or maybe a wife do to her husband.

"oh who am I kidding... Retsu is a asshole". You said in denial. Your frown disappeared and your face formed into a small smile.

Thinking about Retsu to make you fall asleep. You just wanted to give all the love and affection he needed.

But what bothered you is. How can such an attractive man be friends with a chubby
Y/N. Men like him love slim women who's more lighter in weight and smaller than him. Right?

Y/N has broad back with chubby arms. Added with chubby legs with cute little chubby hands. With a nice round musculine to feminine shape face.
With rather a deep feminine voice.
With wide hips. Luckily your waist was a toned plumped sides.
( Yep that's enough description 😩)

Even is Retsu liked you or not. He didn't mind your weight he was focused on your smile.
The warmth you give him.


Yeah this was a bit short....

This was a nice chapter :)

Anyways.... LOVE YOURSELF 😭😭❤️👑🌺

SEE YOU IN chapter 11~


Sorry for mistakes... I was in a rush....

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