Chapter 20

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Sorry for mistakes in the previous chapter. Also sorry for updating so late I'm busy with exams and I had a bit of family problems.
But ya know I trust God. I knew Jesus would answer my prayers to make it all better.
Love God. ❤️

Let's recap.

So it's still a Thursday. The 2 days before the hall of fame. Retsu was at Y/Ns to have a word. Y/N was glad he actually came by her door to talk this through.

Retsu went straight to the point. She was holding his hand while Retsu explained everything from the beginning to the end.
Retsu was a bit furious then disappointed.
His face was not in a pleasant manner. He looked like he could kill someone. He squeezed her hand but she tighten it again. He explained how he was used and karma was a bitch.

" So now I'm regretting all my sins and all those girls and that one girl who almost sent me to jail". You felt sad and angry also.
All mixed emotions. It was silent for moment when Retsu mentioned.
" an I lost Eiko she was like my sister I grew up with her but she sees it the other way around".

You sulked and sighed. Thinking how did he actually not kill himself.
" That's why.... I-I'm afraid of.... losing you. What if you leave me, and just walk away and think I'm a bad person who hates everyone. That's not me. I thought you hated me for my attitude and my anger".

You placed a finger on his mouth to shut up.
"Retsu no. I would never leave you. Yeah you look scared and angry... Maybe with a little bit of attitude. But you're kind you're funny". Retsu looked at you surprised. He looked at your small smile that formed.
" There's something about you, Retsu. You're angry but calm. You're quiet but can be loud. You're 'boring' but funny too".

Retsu instantly fell in love more. You described him perfectly just like his own mother did. " and I think Retsu, that you are Dominant".


" yes. Dominant and why?....because you work hard you do a sport you don't fuck with anyone. Just exactly how I described you". Your cheeks were pink and your smile was sweet. Retsu eyes were glued on you. His eyes weren't even on your bra or skin it was fixated on your smile and eyes.

" And I think I like that about you". What Retsu heard was a thing a women never said. What women never liked his anger. His angry face and weird attitude also his whole character. Alot of people call him an asshole.

" Retsu you are an asshole make no mistake, but you're the asshole I find intriguing". You giggled at your lame joke. Retsu was forming a smile.

" what about my past"? Retsu looked sad again. " Retsu, we all had a past. It shows me you matured to forgive your younger self. We all move on. So what if you slept with so many women that's not you now".
Well maybe Y/N :/

" your apologies is accepted. I'm sorry for reacting too. I was just so angry about the fact you did the wrong thing". You took his hand and placed it on his heart. " you know yourself better than anyone else. So I want you to make your present days better".

" Thanks Y/N. Out of all the women I met you're different. You accepted who I am and you are not a gold digger". You laughed at his remarks. Retsu looked lost as usual.
" Right now thats all behind, so what's your plans".

" Put a T-shirt. I'm taking you somewhere immediately". You startled a bit because he's rushing you.

" okay.... Wait". You rushed to the laundry room and just grabbed a maroon tshirt. It was a slim fit. Retsu pulled your thick arm outside as he helped you lock your house.
In his car you two left. Driving to the middle city of Tokyo.

She did not understand why Retsu took her looking like this. A chubby girl In a sweat pants, slim fit tshirt perfectly hugging her form. And she just wore sneakers that looked very average. Retsu on the other hand wore a black tshirt with a formal pants that's was tight by his crotch.
He looked perfect going out. She was dressed more in home clothes.

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