chapter 1: fracture heart

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"Fracture devil talking"
Location:some street.
(Y/n POV)

Y/n:' Jesus why have there more devils popping up every day?' *thought to myself while walking down the road.*

???:" Help! Help!" Some woman Yelled at the top of her lungs.

*I ran to the place that I heard the screaming coming from.*

Y/n:" hello!? Is anyone here!?" I asked but there was no response.

* I decided to walk around and look to see if anyone was here and in trouble.*

???:" Hehe! I didn't expect that work! Geez you humans are all so dumb!" Said a voice behind me.

Y/n:"oh, fuck!" * I said as I turned around to see a giant devil behind me.*

Giant devil:" good bye foolish human

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Giant devil:" good bye foolish human." * After It said that everything went dark I felt some pain in my body but seconds later I felt nothing.*

(Y/n POV)

???:" Wake up!" Was all I could hear after everything went dark.

*I opened my eyes to see a white room and another demon standing above me.*

Y/n:" aw, fuck another devil!"

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Y/n:" aw, fuck another devil!"

???:" Calm down human I'm here to ask you questions."

Y/n:" what are the questions?"

???:" tell me do you believe in fate?" The devil asked it seemed almost irritated after saying the word fate.

Y/n:" no I don't believe in fate I don't think fate is a genuine thing that exists."

???:" Interesting you're the first to say that though I don't believe you're the only human who would say that. Now the next question do you believe that the future can't be changed?"

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