Chapter 52: memorial and the future

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Inko looked at the plane tickets in her hand. In the next coming days, herself plus the Soul siblings, they would be flying back to the place the called home.

With the help of Kegio to translate, she had took care of the airlines handling Izuku's body.

She felt dull inside. Who could blame her. The last time she saw her son in person, alive, was before he left France.

She felt the guilt of allowing him to participate in the exchange program, but it is impossible to predict the future just as it's impossible to change the past.

"Ms. Inko," Rody rested his head on her shoulder, trying to comfort her.

"We leave in two days. Kegio wants to have a memorial for him here before we go back," she whipped away the stray tear that formed because of her thoughts.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't save him," he apologized to her.

"It's not your fault sweetie. None of us knew that my ex husband was here. Plus it was that boy with the burnt skin who kill him, not you."

Rody lifted his head and guided her to a chair that was in the guest bedroom.

"I never told you about his final moments. Would you like to know?" He asked before rattling on. He knew that it was going to be a rough subject no matter what.

"Yes," she seemed to whisper.

"I confessed to him. I know it was horrible timing and it was stupid, but I had to tell him before he died. He then told me that he thought he could touch the stars," he paused.

"He always told me that each near death experience was him reaching for them."

"I wanted to save him like the other times, but I couldn't. I told him that I loved him," Rody had a few tears of his own slip out. Pino sad a similar expression, seeming sad and thinking back to the past. She already missed sitting in Izuku's fluffy hair.

"Please tell me that he said those words in return."

"He said that he loved me to the stars and back."

"I never understood why he loved the stars before, but I think I do now."

"What do you mean?"

"Rody, you want to be a pilot. You want to fly among the clouds in the sky. That also means the night sky as well."

"But stars in space."

"Izuku could only see them in the sky. It's a metaphorical situation."

That's when everything started to lock into place in Rody's mind. Izuku loved him without even knowing.

Izuku wanted to protect him. He wanted to make sure he was the one who lives if it ever came down to the two of them.

His final breath was used to kiss the lips he always wanted to.

Rody choked on his sobs, feeling the realization hit him.

"I wish I could have spent more time with him. I wish I could have grown with him more. I wish I would have confessed sooner," he hiccuped through his sobs.

Inko got up and started to hug the boy.

They were both hurting. She lost her son while he lost a lover he just got.

Not a one was hurting more than the other, but the both needed the comfort of the other. They wouldn't be able to heal on their own.


Kegio used his key to open the apparement that he and Toyua shared. He needed to decide if he should keep it or get a new place.

He opened the door and noticed the holes and burn marks that were made into the wall by Toyua.

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