1. Yearning

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Late afternoons on cobble streets
The sun sets between the trees
If I had a penny for my every thought of you
The wishing well would not know what to do

Biscuits, tea, and newspaper every morning
Early strolls in town with a puppy on a leash
I stop by a dress shop, a tuxedoed mannequin was sitting
"Please hold my hand and stay with me," I quietly wish

The lake by the mountain looks magical at midnight
Dancing along with the ripples of water is the moonlight
If a swan swam across the water and starlights fell
I'd think magic existed and my longing for you would quell

My white dress under the stars would make travellers think
"Fairies exist! I saw one in the forest, I did!"
They do not know that fairy merely wanders for her heart to not sink
In sadness, longing, and pain from years long gone after farewells were bid

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