2. Hallucination

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I think I saw you across the street
My heart stopped for a second, it did
But like I always do, I ran to you in a heartbeat
But you were gone just like that, you left me in need

I try to find you in all the faces of the people
On the streets, in the stores, and in my dream
Even in the images distorted by a ripple
Or in the air as the train leaves behind a steam

How surreal must you look like inside my head
For you to appear every chance that you get
"I must be mad. What do I do?" I said
I have no saving grace, nor is there a safety net

How long must I keep chasing after you?
I grapple with time for the memories you left behind
I cannot lose you again, though the past I cannot undo
Through your traces in life, death's angel I shall bind

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