3. Wistful Thinking

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Green meadows and the lakeside abloom
The sun high above; sparkling water spelled no doom
Children's laughter filled the air much like a chorale
You and I stood side by side, swearing never a moment shall be dull

I stood on a hill, white dress billowing in the wind
Your arm stretched out, your hand offered to me
I took it; it was then when maybe I had sinned
For at the same time, the breeze took my hat with a glee

"Give and take," the nature decrees
The time of my life was with you, it was a magical one
Had I been a princess, I'd be friends with the trees
They'd say "Marry him; have a daughter and a son"

I'd ride a carriage, shining, made of glass
"If this was a dream, don't let me wake up"
Midnight comes and I'd still be with you in a dance
You take me to your room, handing me wine in a cup

Alas, such foolish daydreams do not come true
The carriage shattered, from the dream I awoke
Morning til midnight, and again I long for you
Still you do not come no matter how many times I broke

Butterflies emerge from the chrysalis they made
Children grew from their innocent age
Were you here, we'd be on the grass, with a blanket laid
You'd be here and I, free from this cage

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