5. Paradise

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For you I must travel
The high seas and all of the mountains
In summer and winter, in spring and fall
For you I shall search far and wide til they close all curtains

What paradise have I landed on?
What place on Earth have my eyes laid upon?
Is this Eden, where men first fell?
The heaven where stories of freedom they tell?

Greatest of all adventurers
Even Odysseus cannot dream of such wonders
Scent so heavenly; the sight, otherworldly
This celestial land I must venture upon gallantly

I sought God among all mares and deer
Even in trees so tall one can say, "I am here"
But if God did create all these wondrous marvels
Why, then, does despair exist outside of novels?

Fields of flowers and crawling orchids
No such being can ever think of something sordid
Vines on trees, honey-scented fruits on the breeze
How can I think of leaving all these, God forbid?

Upon green hills, atop, I see a herd
Of sheep so tame songbirds can be heard
At last, in sight was a man in simple robes
His face was kind, as if it offers all hopes

Sunlight shone from above like a spotlight
On all things dear to the heart of humankind
Clouds came by across the sky so white
By the sun they passed and offered me a path to find

By the beach I strolled, I peered ever so slowly
Because how must I ignore the waters sparkling so beautifully?
Despite all human logic deeming it impossible
It's like rainbows were trapped; the sea inescapable

The backdrop changed before my feet stepped on the hilltop
The sun set; blue, violet, orange spilled like ink on paper
Mouth agape and heart crying in wonder,
"How beautiful must this world be that human heart must stop?"

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