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Luna Perspective
Chad jogs down the stairs with a dazed confused look on his face and sits down but I ignore it focusing on the Documentary playing in front of us.The doorbell rings and Mindy goes to answer it coming back with Sam her boyfriend and Dewey Riley?
Mindy-Randy was our uncle R.I.P ... You said to bring everybody
Chad salutes the three as I finally pry my eyes off the documentary. Mrs.Meeks come sin with a whole tray of snacks looking excited
Mrs.Meeks-Ooh suspects! My brother would be so proud
Dewey-Hey Martha
Martha-Dewey Hi!
They hug and reminisce until Chad interrupts them
Chad-Ok Mom we're good thank you
Martha-Alright kids have fun
She leaves smiling at me as I return the favor
Sam-I asked Mindy to call everybody here because there's something I have to tell you
When she's finally done explaining my head is aching harder than it was before
Chad-So let me get this straight, you're saying you're the daughter of Billy Loomis and what that one of us is the killer?
Sam-The killer told me he knew my secret, he attacked Tara to lure me back here
Luna-Fuck this is outrageous
Chad-But then why immediately go and murder some douche-nozzle that was stalking Liv
Luna-Unless he was related to one of the killers from before
Wes-And why does it have to be one of us.What about Deputy Dewey here.Maybe he's the killer.No offense
Dewey-None taken but what's my motive
Wes-You got stabbed a billion times,got dumped by your famous wife and crawled into a bottle.I think it's safe to say your on the suspect list
Luna-Fuck Wes don't be rude he's trying to help us
Dewey-Well Maybe your the killer cause that cut deep
I mouth a silent apology as he nods his head
Amber-That douche-nozzle is connected.I googled him his mom is Leslie Macher
Luna-Stu Machers sister
Mindy-The plot thickens
Liv-Whos Stu Macher ?
Dewey- He's Billy Loomis's accomplice.A real looney tune
Sam-Ok Ok the first attacks are all on people related to the original killers
I get to a realization as soon as mindy does and unknowingly both scream in unison "Oh my god he's making a requel"
Sam-A what
Mindy starts to explain while I wrap my head around everything that's happening around me
Luna-Some fuck-up wants to make another Stab movie
I murmur this to myself over and over when Sam suddenly storms out of the house
Luna-What happened to her
LIv-They all accused her of being the killer
The room suddenly erupts in an uproar when 'accused' is thrown into the air.Shit I have to tell them about the call I got earlier.I pull Mindy aside from the screaming match going on
Mindy-What's wrong Loon I wanna see this
Luna-I got a call earlier
Mindy's whole demeanor changes in a matter of seconds
Mindy-What did he say
Luna-He was taunting me .He said he knew what happened last year and that i'm gonna watch everybody I love die
Mindy-Oh God we should tell someone right
Luna-I don't know!I don't want everyone to know what happened with me last year only you and Chad know
Mindy-Ok but then again you weren't being chased by a masked killer Luna
Luna-They're going to treat me different as soon as they find out please Mindy They cant know
Mindy-Well we have to tell somebody Luna ok what about Sheriff Hicks she can do something
Luna-Fine! I'll drive to her house and tell her right now just please don't tell anybody else
Mindy-I wont ok now hurry up and go tell her
I nod and make my way back to the living room that is now deserted except for Chad on his phone."You need me to take you back" he says not looking up from his phone
Luna-No i have my car
Chad-Ok text me!
Luna-Don't worry!
I leave the room and speed over to the Hicks house to see police lined up everywhere around the house.I stare at him when they roll a body out. wait no.No No No the universe better be playing a sick joke on me .I run to the house and tear my way through when i see the name on the body bag.I drop down suddenly numb.Tears fall down my face but I dont wipe them away.I sit there kneeling on the floor when im pulled away.

"You're going to watch everybody you love die right in front of you"


Sorry for the short chapter

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