Chapter One

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Quigley Quagmire stood in his mansion's huge library, examining a map of the Finite Forest. It was complex and brilliantly illustrated, and he observed all of its winding paths and tall trees with wonder in his eyes. In his opinion, he was a fairly good cartographer, and seeing other maps gave him inspiration to create his own. He loved visiting new places too. His sister, Isadora, was an amazing poet, and his brother, Duncan, was a great journalist. They were triplets, and they loved combining their skills and working together. Even if the result was disastrous, they always enjoyed themselves. He scribbled down a note in his violet commonplace book.

He wasn't meant to be in the library. It was half past ten, and he was meant to be in bed. He had tried to be as quiet as he could, sneaking down the stairs from his room, but inconveniently, he needed to cough right at that moment. So he did. Why do people always need to cough or sneeze when they need to hide?

He heard his mother rushing down the stairs, looking worried, but when she saw him, her face relaxed.

"I thought you were a burglar." she said, laughing slightly in clear relief.

"I'm sorry, this map of the Finite Forest is so interesting that I just wanted to study it." he explained.

Her face took on a slightly sterner expression. "However, Quigley Quagmire, you should be in bed. Both of your siblings are."

He flinched. He loved his mother, but he didn't like how she compared him to Duncan and Isadora sometimes. Whenever one triplet was doing something they shouldn't, they would be compated to the other two.

"Alright," he sighed. "I'll go upstairs."

My mother smiled and went back upstairs. I, however, did not go back upstairs. I continued to study the map.

Five minutes later, my mother ran down the stairs and stared at me urgently. I scolded myself on the inside. I should have gone to bed when my mother asked, and then I would have still had lots of time tomorrow to examine the map.

"I'm sorry, Mum!" he exclaimed at once. "I-"

"No, it's not that!" she shouted back urgently, fear in her eyes. "Quigley, there's a fire! In the house!"

Quigley gasped. They had never had a full house fire before.

She rushed over to Quigley and gave him a small but meaningful hug.

"Get in here," she said, lifting up a rather garish pink rug that he had always despised. She revealed a square trap door.

He didn't question her. He moved over to the rug.

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