Chapter Thirteen

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Duncan and Isadora had been most unfortunate with the subjects that they had been given by Vice Principal Nero. Whilst Duncan was very good at writing articles and maybe even stories, he was not very good at listening to stories that did not catch his interest, such as Mr. Remora's awful stories. And whilst Isadora had many talents, mathematics was not one of them.

The Quagmire triplets may have been okay at lessons if Isadora had been placed in Mr. Remora's class and Duncan in Mrs. Bass'. But they were not.

As they stood up and pushed their chairs in, they could think of nothing worse than the boredom and embarrassment that they were about to endure. 

School, as you and I know, is nothing amazing. There are kind friends, good food, nice teachers, and occasionally an interesting lesson or two. However, most people would rather be anywhere else. The people there aren't al ways kind, the food might not always be that lovely, and I can think of many teachers that I have experienced lessons with that weren't all that pleasant.

However, at Prufrock Prep, the students, food, teachers, and lessons weren't a 'nice, but could be better'. They were a 'horrible, would not recommend'.

Duncan and Isadora already knew this, of course, but they didn't know the misfortune and despair that would strike in about a year or two. Despair was about to strike at this point in the story, in fact, delivered in the form of a bright pink, giggling schoolgirl.

"Hello cakesniffers." she giggled. Hopefully you have realised who this girl is by now, but if you have not, she is none other than Carmelita Spats.

"Carmelita, go to lessons." groaned Duncan, still exhausted from his lengthy travel the previous night.

"I don't need to lessons because I'm too adorable." she said sweetly.

"Well, we need to go to lessons." Isadora said fiercely.

"Ooh, the cakesniffing orphan is getting angry!" laughed Carmelita, pointing.

"Move!" exclaimed Duncan. "Don't ruin our first day."

Carmelita grinned and pointed at both triplets, which looked rather ridiculous. "Your first day is already ruined."

"How is that?" Duncan folded his arms, and Isadora followed her brother's lead.

"It always is. This is Prufrock." Carmelita smiled wickedly, and followed her statement with this sentence: "Unless, of course, you have rich parents who pay for your education and care."

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