Chapter 3

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We just arrived at the main compound and It was huge! Made the last compound seem so small. Wanda as asleep, her head is on your shoulder.

You somehow manage to get up without waking her. You pick her up bridal style and carry her off the aircraft and inside.

"I'll show you where her room is." Says Nat in a whisper.

You nod and follow her down the hall, she opens a door and you lay Wanda in her bed, pulling the blanket over her and walking out with Nat closing the door behind you.

"I'm just across the way if you need anything. The room next door to Wanda's is open if you want it." Says Nat

"Thanks Nat." You say

You head out to the aircraft to help unload some stuff when you hear Steve and Tony talking.

"Stark this is a bad idea." Says Steve

"Come on Rodgers, she's just a kid." Says Tony

"A kid that's been controlled by hydra and she still could be!" Says Steve

"If she was still controlled by them, she would have helped them when they attacked. Plus Wanda and her brother were also tested on by Hydra. You're not hostile towards them , so why are you with her?" Asks Tony

"We know what they can do. We don't know what she can do." Says Steve

"So I'll have Bruce run tests on her, if it makes you feel better she won't be in the field until then those tests and trainings have taken place." Says Tony

"I still don't think it's a good idea that she just gets to wonder the compound. What if she's gathering Intel?" Asks Steve

"Then we will deal with It when It happens. She wants to help us and she wants to do the right things. If this backfires, you can be the first to tell me I told you so." Says Tony

"We need a way to contain her. Clearly your cells don't hold her." Says Steve

"I'll start working on some new designs. For right now just keep your distance with her." Says Tony

You head bad to your room trying to figure out why Steve was acting the way he was. After a while in your thoughts you decide to find Tony. You grab the pocket knife and wonder around until you find Starks office.

"Mr Stark?" You ask as you knock lightly on the door.

"Hey Kiddo, what's up?" He asks looking up from his desk.

You set the knife down on the desk. He picks It up and opens It and immediately you feel the same excruciating pain as your veins start to change into a blue color. You start to feel weak and he closes It.

"Oh shit sorry are you okay?" He asks

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay." You manage to say after a few minutes.

"What is this? I've never seen anything like this before." He says

"It was created by the teseract, to control me in a way. It doesn't take my powers away but It can shut them off temporarily. I know everyone on the team doesn't trust me yet but I wanted to give this to you in hopes that It will gain some trust." You say

"Thank you for giving me this. I will test this and let you know what I find out. Let's keep this between us for now." Says Tony

"Yes Sir" You say before exiting his office and heading back to your room. After a while you hear a knock your door.

"Come in." You say

"Nat told me you carried me inside when we got here. Thank you." Says Wanda

"Of course." You say

"I brought you a change of clothes. I figured you probably don't have any to change into. Tony said he would get you some but who knows when he'll get around to that." She says setting the clothes on your bed.

"Thank you I appreciate It." You say with a soft smile.

"Of course." She says

You and Wanda talk and catch up for a while before Wanda decides it's time to start cooking dinner. You decide to hop in the shower before you head into the kitchen to see if you can help with dinner, but Wanda was pretty much finished, she was just waiting on the pasta to finish cooking.

Slowly everyone starts making their way to the kitchen, probably smelling the food. Everyone dishes up their food and sit down and talk. You decide to sit down next to Nat, Wanda and Yelena. You eat quietly while listening to them talking. You tried to stay focused but you could tell someone was watching you.

You glance around the room and you see Steve staring in your direction. He gets up a few seconds later putting his plate in the sink before going back to his room. He seemed pissed off.

After a while everyone was finished eating and you decided to get started on the dishes while Wanda puts the leftovers in the fridge.

Once the dishes are finished you head to your room. After a few minutes Wanda, Nat and Yelena knock on the door. You let them in.

"Tony said we could go shipping for everything you need tomorrow. So we were thinking of making It a girls day. That way we all can get away from the compound." Says Wanda

"Sounds like fun." you respond smiling

"Great! Well, we're sure you're tired, we will leave you to rest. You know where to find us if you need us." Says Nat

"Thank you for being so friendly." You say

"Mostly everyone here is. I'm not sure what's going on with Steve, I'll try to talk to him about It, because he's normally very friendly and nice to everyone." Says Nat

"He's just mad he got his ass kicked by a girl." Says Yelena causing all of you to smile.

"I did kick his ass huh?" You say causing them to laugh.

"True" says Wanda

The trio leave and you try to sleep. After a few hours of trying you head to the window by your room and you sit down hugging your knees to your chest and look up at the sky.

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