Chapter 7

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"Alright y/n, you break the door and cover the team so they can get the artifacts. I do not want anyone getting past you." Asks Strucker

"Yes sir." You say

"Gets get going then." He says

You board the aircraft with the rest of the team and arrive to the compound shortly after.

"Y/n scout the area" says Strucker

They open the back of the aircraft and you fly out and begin scouting the compound. After flying around you come to a stop in the sky.

"Looks clear." You say into your comms

The team lands and they begin their way to the compound entrance. You laser all the cameras and take down the security system out.

As the team starts going in bullets fly in your direction. You use your cape to block all the bullets shielding the team until they have all entered the building.

"Looks like they beat us here. Nat, Steve, Wanda and Yelena I want you guys to get in there and stop them. Sam, Clint, Bucky, and I will provide cover and keep them off you guys." Says Tony

"Y/n is here." Says Wanda

"Yeah, she doesn't look friendly." Says Steve

"No shit. I wonder who's fault that is. " Says Yelena

"Sounds like you will have your hands full, are you sure you don't want me out here with you guys?" Asks Wanda

"How do we take her out if she's invincible?" Asks Clint

"I have a way, but I need a clean shot and someone will have to catch her." Says Tony

"I'll make sure to catch her." Says Wanda

"Alright let's go kick some ass." Says Tony

The fighting begins, Tony and Sam are able to keep you distracted long enough for Steve, Nat and Yelena to get in the building.

You're currently chasing after Sam and Tony when you hear that the team needs help over comms.

You laser one of sams wings causing him to plummet towards the ground. You pull off and head back to the building.

"Sam's going down! Y/n is headed back to the building." Says Tony

Wanda catches Sam before he hits the ground and Tony makes his way back towards the compound.

"Do we have eyes on y/n?" Asks Nat

"No, I don't see her." Says Tony

"Nat behind you!" Yells Yelena

But It was to late, you had already managed to grab Nat and fly high above the compound. Holding her out by the front of her suit.

"Y/n! It's me it's Nat." Says Nat

"I don't know who you are." You say

"They wiped your memory. Were your friends! Me, Yelena, Wanda and Tony. Come with us and we can help you." Says Nat

"I don't need your help." You say as you let nat go , looking down and watching her fall.

"NAT!" Yells Clint

"Wanda be ready catch Nat" says Tony

You see Iron Man fly up and you two begin fighting. You shoot your lasers at him and he fires back. Youre able to grab him and punch him out of the sky and he slams into the ground.

"Finish him off!" Yells Strucker though the comms

You fly down and Tony is still not moving. As you go to rip his mask off you get blasted with a weapon that sends you flying into into the building. You felt the same excruciating pain as before and you collapse to your knees.

"Wanda now!" Says Tony

Wanda breaks the mind control and  all of your memories begin to flood back to you all at once.

"Wanda?" You ask confused

"Y/n! Yes it's me. Stark put the shield away she's not a threat." She says

Stark does what Wanda says and the pain begins to go away immediately.

"Shit I dropped Nat is she okay? Oh god I ruined Sams suit are they okay?" You ask

"They are both fine." Says Tony

"Tony! Oh my god I'm so sorry." You say

"Don't be it's okay. I'm just glad we found you." He says

"How did you escape?" You ask Wanda

"What do you mean?" She asks

"You Nat and Yelena. You all got captured trying to save me. They promised to leave you alone if I cooperated." You say

"We never got captured, we had no clue how to find you but we never stopped looking." Says Wanda

"Incoming!" Yells Steve

You use your lasers to destroy the missile before It comes any closer and you sit back on the ground still feeling a bit weak. You look back at Wanda confused.

"Did they say we got captured?" Asks Nat

"They had you guys in separate cells. It looked so real. I fought them for weeks until they showed me the video. They said if I cooperated they wouldn't hurt you guys." You say

"Well you're free now." Says Yelena

"Looks like hydra is pulling back." Says Sam

"Let's get back to the compound. SHEILD will take over and lock everything down." says Tony

Wanda helps you up and everyone retreats back to the aircraft and Tony flies us back to the compound.

"They're just letting you go?" Asks Sam

"For now." You say

"We will work on taking them down, along with the red room." Says Nat

" I can't believe they still exist." Says Yelena

You see the man with the missing arm, except this time he's got a metal arm.

"You must be y/n. I'm Bucky" he says

" Ah so you're the one Steve traded me for. Nice to meet you Bucky." You say

"I'm sorry about that. If I had known that he was gonna do that I would have told him no. I also would have tried to fight and get you out." He says

"Thank you." You say

"We're home" says Tony

The aircraft lands a few minutes and you all head inside. You push your way past Steve and ignore him as he calls after you. You head straight to your room and grab some clean clothes and hop in the shower.

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