Chapter 5

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Wanda's pov

Wanda woke up to the sun shining in her room. She gets out of bed  and she noticed your door is open. She peers inside and doesn't see you.
She makes her way to the kitchen, Steve was siting at the counter staring at something.

"Morning Wanda" says Steve

"Morning Steve. Have you seen Y/n?" Asks Wanda

"It looks like she left. I guess she didn't want to help us. He says pushing the notebook over so Wanda can read It."


I'm sorry for leaving without telling you, I guess I figured It would be easier this way. I wanted to thank you for making me feel welcome . I wish you all the best of luck fighting against the bad guys.


Wanda knew deep down that the letter didn't sound like you. But she also knew Steve wouldn't do anything to you, even though she knew he didn't like you for whatever reason.

"We're you awake when she left? Did you see her?" Asks Wanda

"No, I just saw the letter when  I woke up and  then you came out a few minutes later." Says Steve

What's going on? Asks Nat as she walks into the kitchen.

"Y/n left!" Says Wanda

"What do you mean left?" Asks Nat

Wanda hands her the note before she heads to your room. Your phone was still plugged in on the nightstand, along with your iPad and computer. Wanda opens your closet to see all your clothes still neatly put away.

"She didn't take anything with her. Her phone, laptop, clothes everything is here. Even her shoes! There's no way she left. " Says wanda as she walks back to the kitchen.

"Well she can fly, maybe she was in a rush." Says Steve

"Let me see that note." Says Nat as she takes the notebook.

"Forget the note, let's just search the compound for her. Maybe she decided not to leave." Says Steve

"You knew Y/n for some time, does It look like her handwriting?"  Asks Nat

"I never saw her handwriting. The only time I saw her was when she was taken out of her cell and brought back in." Says Wanda

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Asks Tony

Before anyone can answer, Bucky walks out into the kitchen.

"Bucky? When did you get back?" Asks Nat

"Last night." Says Bucky

"Happy to see that you're back." Says Tony

"Thank you Tony." Says Bucky

"Steve." Says Nat

"What?" Asks Steve

"Why does this look like your handwriting?" Asks Nat

"What? It's not." Says Steve

Before Steve can do anything, Wanda reads his mind and can see Steve sedating you and taking you to the car and driving to a building, the trade off and everything.

"Liar" says Wanda as she uses her powers to pin him to the wall.

"Woah Wanda calm down." Says Tony

"He gave y/n to hydra in exchange for Bucky."  Says Wanda

"That girl in the cell, you told me she was already there and that you didn't know her." Says Bucky

"She was a nobody, Hydra offered me a deal and I took It to get you back." Says Steve

Wanda let's him go and he gets up, but Bucky punches him hard in the face with his metal Arm.

"What happened to not trading lives Rodgers?" Asks Tony

"I did what I had to do to get my brother back." Says Steve

"Well you made the wrong decision Steve. She's just a kid." Says Bucky

"Well its done already." Says Steve

"Damn It Rodgers I should report you to shield for working with  hydra." Says Tony

"It would still be worth It." Says Steve

"We need to find her before hydra takes control of her again." Says Nat

"What do we do with him?" Asks Wanda

"Oh come on Wanda" Steve says

"You brought this on yourself! We could have gotten Bucky back without you giving them Y/n!" Yells Wanda

"Wanda's right. You should have come to me when they offered the trade, we could have taken them down." Says Steve

"The deal wasn't with Hydra." Says Steve

"Then who the hell was It?" Asks Nat

"The deal was made with the Red Room." Says Steve

"Bullshit, I took them down years ago." Says Nat

"Did you ever find his body?" Asks Steve

"What's going on?" Asks Yelena

"Let's go check the location of the trade off."  Says Tony

"Steve are you sure It was him?" Asks Nat

"Positive" says Steve

"If it's the Red Room we're dealing with they would already be gone. They stay moving to avoid detection. There's no way they stayed with an avenger knowing where they were." Says Nat

"It wouldn't hurt to try, even if they are gone, they could have left clues to where they went." Says Wanda

"We leave in 5, Rodgers write down the directions." Says Tony

"You don't want me to go with you guys?" Asks  Steve.

"No, you're going to sit in a cell until I figure out what to do with you." Says Tony

"Come on Tony, I made a dumb mistake." Says Steve

"Yeah you did Steve. You were experimented on. You know what the twins and Bucky went through at their time at Hydra. You've seen the damage hydra can do to people and yet you give hydra y/n who to hydra is just another weapon to them. The strongest enhanced we've come across!

Not to mention they probably have access to her mind, so they know exactly where the compound and everything is. " Says Tony

"They said they are going to wipe her mind." Says Steve

"But they can still get that Intel from her before wiping her mind. Either way you screwed everything up." Says Tony

"Guys let's go we're loosing time." Says Wanda

Everyone piles into the jet and they fly to where you were last seen and of course, there was no sign of you or the red room.

"I can't believe he did this." Says Wanda

"We will get her back I promise." Says Tony.

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