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Long ago in a faraway place, a magical beautiful kingdom thrived. It was a diverse kingdom and one of the few and only kingdoms that mingled among regular humans and thanks to this they were one of the most powerful kingdoms in history. The beautiful and majestic kingdom of Neo Edo.

The royal family of this kingdoms dynasty matched the power of this kingdom as well. A long five hundred year dynasty full of warriors, fighters, peacemakers, and leaders all of them powerful in their own right powered by their families Hamato Ninpo powered purely by the love they possess in themselves and receive from others. They lived in a giant palace that had a gorgeous sprawling garden full of luscious greens, beautiful flowers, and delicious fresh fruits that would make many salivate at the mouth.

The Emperor of this palace and kingdom is Hamato Yoshi a rat Yokai who was a very loving if rather lazy ruler. He had never wanted to be Emperor and had done everything he could do avoid it, but when it came to destiny it was not something that could be avoided and he became Emperor due to be the only possible heir. He enjoyed a showboating lifestyle when he was in his youth and prime being a very public figure and leaving most of the official stuff to his advisors and Shogun's. Eventually he became more involved in the kingdom's affairs after he turned forty and to the public's shock one September day it was announced the Emperor had been given a son!

A young strong kappa with a spiked shell, long spiked tail, hazel brown eyes, and a cute little snaggle tooth coming from his mouth. He was quite a calm baby more interested in trying to eat his fist than crying or being whiny. No one knew who the mother was but the king had said that he preferred to keep his love life private. Rumours spread about if this boy was a true biological Hamato or not. Nevertheless at the young kappa's christening the Hamato family ninpo appeared and accepted him the royal family crest appearing on his chest and glowing making all the rumours disappear over night. And just like that prince Hamato Raphael the next heir to the dynasty.

A couple years later when the prince was merely two he was gifted brothers, two! Adorable twin kappas one boy and one girl. They both refused to be separated or else they would screech and whine. The older of the two was a soft shell turtle with purple markings on his body, dark green skin, mismatched eye colours one blue the other red, and was prone to biting anyone who held or touched him making his a nightmare with the nursemaids. On the other hand the younger one a red eared slider with beautiful vibrant yellow crescent stripes on his arms and legs, two vibrant red crescent markings over his sapphire blue eyes, and always smiling or demanding hugs making the young princess a absolute dear to be around.

Due to them being so different from their older brother more rumours spread about their origins, but the Emperor put a stop to that before they could spread. They were his sons and he tolerated no rumours being spread about them.

Nevertheless the same thing happened at their christening proclaiming two more promising Hamato heirs. Prince Donatello and Princess Leah came to be.

Then the fourth and final prince came to be only a year later. A beautiful adorable little box shell kappa whom had bright baby blue eyes, smallest of his brothers, dark green skin that was darker than his older brothers, gold spots all over his body minus his face, and was the most prone to popping in his shell when frightened.

This time people were too scared to openly question the Emperor as the christening came and this one too was declared a official Hamato prince. Hamato Michelangelo.

If there was a mother the four were never seen with one. The most wildly accepted theory was that the Emperor had a thing for kappas he never wanted anyone to know about and those boys were the results of it.

These four princes at young ages were proving to be much more promising than there father each having wonderful and perfect qualities to be great leaders each one of them having a special bond between them all.

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