The Cave of Wonders

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Usagi's stomach was doing nervous backflips in his stomach the entire time he had been blindfolded. As soon as the guards had grabbed him he knew he was helpless to defend himself. He had chosen not to bring Willow-branch in case he had gotten caught and he didn't want his most prized possession ever to be confiscated. In hindsight he still probably should have brought some type of weapon, but his honour kept him from fighting back too hard because the guards had ever right to grab him. He's a stranger who's broken into the palace, recently after two princes had gone missing, was found near the rooms of the two remaining princes, and looked exactly like a Yokai rabbit who supposedly dishonourably carried out a assignation on a shogun. The guys were just doing their job.

That still did not stop his worries though. He never told his friends what he was doing, he knew they would talk him out of it, Spot's with him what would they do with Spot? Would Blue ever learn what happened to him if he is killed? Gen said common criminals were going missing what were they gonna do with him for breaking into a palace?

So far the punishment was strange, he had been blindfolded with his arms tied in front of him and then he was dumped inside some enclosed space with comfy seating. It might be a ashibasha he thinks? He personally had never seen the inside of one but he has spotted elite people driving them around the wealthy parts of town and he knew Gen's family owned one at some point. He thinks it was a ashibasha because of the soft seats, the gentle thrum of movement around him, and he could hear the thrum of a engine. He could breath easier once he felt spot against him, but his poor friend was confined and muzzled by the arms and legs.

He didn't dare take off his blindfold though worried he would be put into even more trouble than he already was. He felt his pockets and sighs in relief finding the broach still there. After driving who knows where for who knows how long (he has a terrible internal clock) he feels the car stop. He hears a door open, but he's been strapped to the seat by more than just a seat belt. Someone enters and he feels a dark presence. "You can take off your blindfold Usagi-san," Usagi gulps and reaches his hands up taking off his blindfold.

Sitting in front of him he saw a odd wolf Yokai man in his early to mid thirties wearing a black men's kimono and looked to be of noble status. Taking a quick glance around Usagi saw he indeed was inside a ashibasha that had black leather seats facing each other and a window to the front drivers door that it's window up. Looking outside Usagi saw they were in the middle of a dense forest and he couldn't see any hint or direction of civilization anywhere. They weren't even on a actual road.

In the wolves hands was a dagger and Usagi gulps.

"I'm dead, they're gonna kill me and dump my body here for the animals. My friends I am sorry for being stupid, Spot I'm sorry for dragging you into this, Blue I'm sorry I never got to see you again, Auntie I'm sorry I didn't fulfil your dying wish, mother, father, and grandfather I am sorry for my dishonourable death,"

Usagi prays begging his ancestors and friends to someday forgive him. Instead of being stabbed and left in the woods for dead though the wolf cuts his bindings and now Usagi is confused.

"Uhhh are you gonna kill me?" Usagi asked and the wolf chuckles softly. "You have found yourself in a world of trouble rabbit. My name is Jei a messenger of the gods," Jei introduces and Usagi nods. "Well you already know my name somehow," he mutters. "Please you look exactly like your great great great grandfather. You even have the unusually long ears," Jei said and Usagi touches his ears with a frown feeling a little insulted by the comment, but at the same time he also feels pride at having something in common with his ancestor.

"If this is about the bracelets I swear it was not my fault," Usagi said and Jei hums making himself comfortable. "Tell me boy what were you doing in the prince's quarters?" Jei asks. "I was returning the servant Blue's bracelets," Usagi answers. "And what was the bracelets of the red and purple princes doing with a servant?" Jei asks and Usagi shakes his head.

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