The Mystic Yokai

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Usagi's head was pounding as he awoke to gentle nudges. He opens his eyes and saw Spot over him and the carpet. At first he was confused as to why the carpet was moving and alive, but then everything came rushing back. He sat up and looks around.

The cave was illuminated by the lava still flowing, but they were safe on the rock island the carpet had helped take them too. No exits were viable or in sight.

Usagi sighed and looks to the carpet. "Thanks for saving us and all, but I think we had better chances with the lava," he commented. Spot jumps on his lap and yips. Usagi looks at him and his eyes light up seeing what his pet had in his mouth.

"Spot! Oh who's a good boy getting the nasty wolfs teapot? At least he didn't win anything either," Usagi grinned and Spot yips happily at the scratches as Usagi takes the pot getting a good look at it.

Before it had looked like a gold teapot, but that had just been a trick of the light. It was definitely made of brass, maybe copper, it's handle wrapped around the metal wire like a vine and it had odd engravings on it.

"Why go through so much to protect this hunk of junk? Kitsune's stolen better," Usagi said as he sees some words on it. "Hey what's this?" He asks himself out loud rubbing the teapot.

As soon as he does this the teapot suddenly sparks and jolts startling Usagi enough to drop it backing away. The pot jumps, sparks, and fizzles as dramatically and as frightening as possible when a dark pink smoke pours out of the nozzle into the air with whisps of golden sand mixed in with the colour until it forms a giant insane, dark pink skinned, armour wearing, face plates with gold horns, man person thing arms crossed over his chest as he said in a gruff voice not looking at him directly instead off in the distance.

"Oh great one who summons me, terrible one who commands me, I stand by my oath loyalty to wish three-oh," the giant finally looks down at him and seems surprised at him. "A peasant... this should be quick and routine," The giant said as Usagi rubs his head. "Hey Spot how hard did I hit my head?" Usagi asks.

The giant decreases in size now only just taller than Gen is and looks at Usagi arms still crossed and a scowl seemingly always on his face. "I'm just checking you are a peasant right?" He asks none too kindly. Usagi is still too shocked by the events unfolding that he can only nod his head. "I take it from your voice you had no idea that the teapot contained me?" The mysterious figure said it and Usagi can once again only nod. "And let me also assume you were promised all the riches that were previously in this cave save for the teapot whom you gave to a mysterious, cliche, and menacing male or female who definitely killed someone at some point. You foolishly trusted them even with every sign not too, they betrayed you, sent you to your death, but not before you somehow managed to grab the teapot?" The magic smoke goat narrates.

Usagi gives a suspicious side eye. "You've been around this stick before haven't you?" Usagi asks and the unnamed person nods. "Mortal beings do not surprise me anymore. Though you are the first to survive the betrayal part," He comments and his smoke bottom half became normal legs that he touched down on the rock too. He snaps his fingers and Usagi is suddenly sitting on a plush chair the other clearly magical person sitting in his own chair.

"I am Baron Draxum, wish granting and all powerful mystical Yokai of the teapot. Hello carpet surprised you haven't been eaten by moths yet," Draxum said looking at the carpet who looks annoyed somehow for a carpet. Who knew a carpet could be so expressive? "Now here is the basics, you rubbed my pot which means as long as you are the owner of the pot I will grant you three wishes," Draxum explains.

"Wishes?" Usagi sits up excited millions of ideas running through his head. "So like I could wish?" Before Usagi could even finish that sentence Draxum interrupted him. "There are rules to the wishes though. Rule one I can't kill anyone, you do that yourself, I can't make anyone love anyone else, and I can't bring anyone back from the dead. You also only get three wishes wishing for more won't work. All caught up? Good now make your wishes so I can go back to sleep," Draxum requests grumpy.

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