Prince Usli

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Leo was already having a bad day when it happened.

His father had called for him once again requesting he picks a husband which meant he had to wear a dress again even if it wasn't as fancy as if he were being presented, Usagi had never showed up, Mikey was trapped in training, Leo's own sexist tutors had assigned him homework instead of letting him train, and April wasn't even around so he couldn't get out of the stupid dress on his own.

Instead of doing his homework he decided to go through his katas. His dress made it limiting, but he made it work.

As he went through the Doko kata he pauses as he hears something.

He looks to his vanity and frowns confused as he realized the glass perfume bottles were jingling oddly. Now aware of this he could hear something in the distance faintly approaching the castle.

Suddenly his doors burst open and his little brother was there grinning jumping up and down clearly excited about something.

"Leo come on! I think there's a parade going on outside!" He exclaims. "A parade for what?" Leo asks. "I don't know come on!" Mikey exclaims and runs off. Hiking up his dress Leo follows quickly getting to the main balcony where one could look over the large street leading up to the palace.

Mikey was on his right April on Mikes otherside, Leo's father was too his left also being drawn out by the commotion Jei on his father's left the grand adviser giving Leo a quick glance before looking back to the commotion.

Indeed something was making it's way down the street and it had drawn a crowd as well. Leo leans forward over the balancony tipping his head to the side.

We're those.... Instruments?

"Make way for Prince Usli"
"Say hey, it's Prince Usli" Leo heard being sung all the way from where he stood. "Who's Prince Usli?" Leo asks his little brother whom shrugs.

Meanwhile at the front of the prossession was Kitsune dressed in fancy attire mirroring her own attiring twirling a fire baton and the biggest grin on her face ever. Kitsune may be a thief, but she's a street performer at heart and too her this was her greatest wish come true. Usagi had given her full rein when it came to making his entrance and Kitsune had taken full advantage of having a magic Yōkai make the entourage. It helped that Draxum had a flair for dramatics too because she's pretty sure most of this didn't come with the prince wish.

Guards flock either side of her carrying spears and green banners with them. Kitsune throws the flaming baton in the air the fire spinning around in the air. She jumps backwards doing backwards flips letting the magic people on horses beat their drums as they begin making their way into the street full view of the royal palace where she could vaguely see a crowd forming on the balcony. She jumps onto the float where finely dressed woman in yellow stood with giant yellow feathered fans. Grinning she began her song knowing all spotlight was on her.

"Hey! Clear the way in the old Bazaar
Hey you!" She points to a man in the crowd looking stunned at being addressed.
"Let us through it's a brand-new star
Oh, come be the first on your block to meet his eye
Make way, here he comes
Ring bells, bang the drums
You're gonna love this guy!

Prince Usli, fabulous he, Usli Yomjimbo
Show some respect, boy, genuflect, down on one knee
Now, try your best to stay calm
Brush up your Friday salaam
Then come and meet his spectacular coterie,"

Kitsune twirls around as glitter bombs go off and a banner with Usagi's face falls down over a building as he enters the road on a float made of white tiger lilies shaped like a horse, being pulled by a large elephant whom was actually a transformed Spot. Usagi stood waving at the cheering crowd with a forced nervous smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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