Street Urchins

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Usagi ran into a old near crumbling building that had a big open space inside of it clear of people while the police duck in after him. "Street urchin!" A manticore Yokai yells grinning. "We gotcha now! Oh the shogun is so going to reward you for bringing you in," A different female one grins. Usagi smiles trying to be charming. "Look this is just a big misunderstanding," he assures.

"Misunderstanding yeah right! Your a criminal who is known to hang out with other criminals, street theirs, dishonourable people, and even a Neko Ninja! Your worse than your ancestor!" The manticore states pointing his finger at Usagi. "My ancestor was honourable and just! And that is a lotta pointing fingers there. Since it doesn't look like we can work this out peacefully," Usagi takes out Willow-branch and one guard shrivels. "He has a sword!" One of them exclaims. "A katana there's a difference," Usagi corrects. "You fool we all got swords!"

They all took out their weapons, but Usagi's not worried.

"Gotta keep," he dodges a sword strike. "One jump ahead of the breadline," he blocks another one seeing one the corner of his eyes someone else charging at him so he ducks under sending the two careening into one another. "One swing ahead of the sword," He adds when three big ones came at him at once and he got worried when out of nowhere Blue jumped on the one in the middle knocking him to the floor. Grabbing their sword from them he uses it to disarm the opponent to the right while Usagi took care of the one on the left by kicking his legs out from him then delivering a blow that sent him to the ground.

They ended up back to back as the police sneered at them. "Oh look another street urchin. Usagi," He sneers at him. "You got a reputation. Why don't these guys seem to like you?" Blue asks as Usagi leaps backwards blocking a hit with his sword and fights to maintain control, but still manages a awkward grin. "They just don't seem appreciate that I'm broke," Usagi answers with a shrug.

Blue jumps avoiding a hit of his own and grabbed a second dropped sword smashing and took on some police easily using his katanas like extensions of himself and Usagi was memorized by it. It was like a graceful dance and he found himself falling deeper in love. Usagi focused back on his own fight when he realized the knife was getting closer to his neck. Quickly he ducks down and the police's full weight became their down fall and they go tumbling to the ground. Before they could recover Usagi uses the brunt of his sword to knock them in the head and send them dozing.

Usagi turns ready to take care of the rest of the police, but saw Blue was already done grinning brightly from adrenaline. "That was awesome!" He exclaims as Usagi's mouth is dropped open when one of them groans. Quickly Usagi grabs Blue's hand. "We gotta go before they wake up come on," Usagi said moving to take him somewhere else, but Blue pulls back. "Wait why should I just follow some stranger? Especially one that apparently hangs out with Neko Ninja," Blue asks suspiciously.

"Those are exaggerated stereotypes. I promise I would never hurt you. Do you trust me?" Usagi questions and Blue hesitates. "Do you trust me?" Usagi asks one more time imploringly, and this time Blue nods tightening his hold as Usagi leads him away.

They wove through streets and back alleys until they came upon a old boarded off area with keep out signs. Blue looked around and saw a old sign that used to have a wooden blank blocking it, but it had fallen down revealing the place to be. "A museum of Shoguns?" Blue asks out loud and than at Usagi as he opens the doors slipping between the boards.

"Yeah it was run by the most self centred Shogun ever and was all about him and just him. As you can expect it didn't really take off so the property's been abandoned for years," Usagi helps Blue through since his shell made it rather difficult to fit through. "But before that it belonged to my friend Gen's family. He sticks around even though he doesn't own it anymore and gives us a place to stay," Usagi said leading Blue through the barren courtyard and pushes open the sliding doors. The place was clearly well maintained for a place supposedly abandoned, but it was still lacking essentials such as electricity and furniture that fit the aesthetics. All of it appeared old and beaten up probably taken from the sides of a road.

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