1. The Beginning

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I am staring at myself in the mirror a tear rolled down my cheek .I don't know what to say . I am happy and sad as well . I should be happy I am marrying someone whom I wanted to marry since childhood .Yes ,the girl standing In front of mirror is getting married .
Marrying to Kim Taehyung
I am marrying to him..
I still remember the day I confessed when we met each second time . Sometimes I regret why I confessed atleast he never hated me til I confessed but now ...


Flashback :

I saw him sitting on the table in the park .

Gathering all of my courage I moved to his direction. He tilted his head to me. I hitched on my breathing as our eyes met . My heart was beating like a marathon idk how am I going to confess.

"Y/n" He says

My name from his mouth feels so soft ...his deep voice make my heart flutter.My love for him was first sight love ..well ofcourse I didn't knew about love when I was just 6 years old when I first met him....we lived together as neighbors ..we became friends..then due to some issues he left...we didn't even contacted eqch other for so long then his father came to my dad with marriage proposal...I was beyond happy ...it was unexpressable. I sat beside him ...He was somehow sad maybe ...

"Taehyun-" He cuts me off "Y/n ,I don't like you ...I can't say this to grandpa ...but I want you to break this marriage " he says . My heart shattered into peices ...his words were like someone throwing stones at me..My eyes filled with tears .."Taehyung..I have something to say"I said ..My voice was low ..He nodded "yk you can say anything you want freely ,right?.."a little yet soft smile crept over his face .I just don't wanted to hide my feelings

If not today then never ...

I held his hand with my both small hands ..
He looked at my hand before looking at me back...

"Y/n" I cut him before he could continue"Taehyung ...i-i like you" I confessed and the first thing i noticed on his face .It was unexpressable.

"What" his frowned brows . He stood from his seat staring straight into my eyes sending shivers down my spine .

"I like you taehyung " I repeated . He scoffed really rolling his eyes and my heart ached on his expression. I never seen him behaving like this .

"Are you fucking kidding me ?" He snapped over my face taking a step to me . I didn't move and tears covering my eyes .He never yelled at me before.

"I fucking hate you Lee y/n " my heart broken into peices . My feet automatically took a step back . And the other second fall on my knees.

"Just broke this fuckimg marriage and our relation won't affect or ..." He paused and my eyes traveled to his ones .Their was no guilt ,sadness and concern just rage and anger . .and finally taers fell from my eyes .This is uncontrollable. I can't.

"Or the consequences won't be good " He continued kneeling down to my level once before lefting from there leaving ne alone ...I can't leave him...ik he don't love me but I will make him love me ...I have dreamed of you taehyung ..I have seen you in everything you can't just leave me..I will never break this marriage and give this marriage a chance

flashback ended :


"Priest : Mr. kim taehyung . Will you accept Ms. lee y/n as your legally wife? ". "Taehyung: I do" .

"Priest: Ms. Park y/n , will you accept Mr. kim taehyung as you legally husband ?" ."y/n : I do"

"priest : now I will announce mr. kim taehyung and mrs. kim y/n . as legally husband and wife . "
"Groom and bride can exchange rings now ."

Taehyung and I exchanged rings . He slipped the ring in my finger harshly before I exchanges ring with him.

He didn't shown any kind of affection just his stern cold face and angry look . Well his this look is not bad though . He look cute but i have seen him laughing with me so that look that's more nice . I myself gave seen him laughing with me qnd for a fact he looks undeniably handsome abd lovely . I looked at him only to see him only staring at me but this time there's a slight grin on his lips . I looked at him confused bit i chocked on your own saliva as the priests words fell into your ears.

"Bride and Groom may kiss now , priest said ." The words fell into my ears and I was stiffened for a seconds and my eyes meet taehyung's and it makes it even more worse when he is already staring at you and the intensity in his eyes . He is smirking.  There is a feet of difference in between us  but my body go freeze when he just took his first step.  I just can't understand why the hell is he smiling ?

I have never kissed anyone in my entire life . Well it's not like I am too old . I am just a sweet 21 year old girl.  He is walking to me when I unintentionally took a step back without realizing . He walks to me with just a mere gap between our bodies maybe just for air to pass and that's all . He leans in closer to me ,to my side . His eyes over my shoulder ,my back bents to vack a little and my body tenses on his touch which is his sift lips brushing over my earlobe sending shivers down my spine . I gulped my saliva trying yo take a deep breathe which I am actually not able to right now because I can't even exhale right now . "What ? Are you scared now ? " . He moves a little vack just fir our eyes to meet . I licked my lips unknowingly without realusing pressing them together not being able go meet his eyes and before I am able to say donething or react his lips touches mine a little harshly and my body moves back with the force he is pushing on me .

Author's pov

He lips touched with your soft ones brushing together and blush made a way over your cheeks .you hands automatically travelled to his chest clutching his shirt on your small fists . His body pressed against yours and your small figure moved slight back because for friction and your lips parted as soon as you felt a hand sneaking to your waist . Your soft bosoms pressed against his hardened rock like chest . Your flushed face ,your eyes still opened. You gasped your lips slight open when he pinched on your waist. His cold slender fingers touching yours . Your lips part and his tounge shoved into your mouth exploring every corner of it . Slowly your eyes closed on his touch. His tongue collided with yours . You hitted on his chest lightly when you were out of breath and he bites on your lip one last time before detaching their lips . You lowered your gaze as a crimson shade on your cheeks . Everyone's eyes on you both and he didn't give a fuck . He kissed you for whole 5 minutes while everyone continue to stare at you both .

Your eyes low while he still leaning close to you face with no gap between you both . You took a step back to make a gap but he was fast enough to grab your waist again and whispering against your lips . His warm breathing fanning against your lips " Don't be shy , it's starting babe . It have not Even started yet " He whispered staring straight into your eyes and his nails digging on your waist . You frowned brows ..you hissed in pain and he removed his hand from your waist .

You released your breath which you didn't know from how long you were holding and was about to turn around when his whispers again one last time before stepping down from stage

"Well...you fucking take sweet .I wouldn't mind in tasting and ruining your these cherry lips " smirk creeping over his face making your heart flutter and blush covering all over your cheeks . You stared at his back with your frowned brown before stepping back from stage behind him .


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