29 . office

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slipping into my business causal attire . i looked at myself in the mirror combing my hairs into a straight back open . slipping my cream blazer over my shoulders i grabbed my purse from bed before walking out of my room .

jungkook has already left for office . afterall he is the ceo . i walked out of the house sitting in the driver seat placing my bag on the seat beside me . i drove out of the mansion .

soon i reached the office ,got greeted by my colleauges . i greeted them back . i walked to my department . the team i created for fall collection is currently working and i have to check out the files and after that go to kim corporation for the completion of furthur project . taehyung has already said that he has already selected a team for the project and i will be working with them . i walked

" Attention everyone , complete your rough structure today by 4 pm . after that work on presentation . i have to go to kim corporation for furthur completion of project . so fighting " i smiled and walked to my cabin to get the rough data of my own designs and i also have to share them with my colleagues for their suggestions .

soon the clock strikes 3pm and i walked out of my cabin to get myself a cup of coffee . i sighed sipping onto my coffee . its first time jungkook gave me the responsibility for the project and i don't want to make him regret his decision and idk what happens to me infront of taehyung . whenever i see him my mind goes to the other night when taehyung kissed me . i touched my lips with my index slightly smiling ,blush crept over my cheeks .

Does he also have feelings for him ?

Oh my God how am I going to face him today .I bite down on my lower lip to control my tension .

Later on I got the files from my colleagues and now I am driving to kim corporation.

I looked up to see the huge building infront of me . Taking a deep breathe I walked in again getting Greeting by the passerby employees and all .

I wonder ,why they bow to me . It's not like I m the CEO of the company or something or someone from higher authorities.

You knocked on taehyung's office door waiting for his permission to enter . Your heart is beating fast against your ribcage almost exploding . You heared his deep voice of a serious tone "Come in" sending shivers down your spine .

You twisted the door knob entering inside . He stood there looking out of the window . His back facing you .
Biting down on your bottomlip you called him "Mr.kim" .just as you called he turns gazing right through your soul . A mischievous smirk playing on his lips which soon turned into a grin .
"Welcome Ms.Y/N . I was waiting for you " he smiled walking to you . You felt naked under his intense gaze .

"Ahh ..G-good evening Mr.kim " you

Gosh ,I hate myself for stuttering

He smiled reaching to you . Standing a few inches away .

"Umm..a ..I have these rough structure for fall collection which I want to discuss with my team from here so " you tried to speak not knowing what else to say .

"Ofcourse ,why not lets have a seat first " he smiled gesturing to have a seat .

You walked past him to your seat infront of his desk .

He follows you standing behind you after you took your seat . Hands shoved in his pants pockets .
You turned to him .

He stared at you down "w-what are you d-doi-" your sentence cuts midway when he leans closer to you . His face right beside you . Your bent back in order to maintain gap . His manly fragnance hits your nostrils . His face right beside you . You breathe hitches on his sudden action . He eyes you from side before grabbing a file from behind and moved back . You sighed holding your breathe which you were holding from so long . He moved back a light ,face to face infront of you . His face mere inches apart from you . Uour noses almost brushing . He eyes your lips once before staring into your eyes .his lips tugging to right upward turning I to a slight smirk.

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