chapter four

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"wait, you're going to dinner with him?" yanagi asked. "you work fast."

(name), who sat behind him, could feel his anxiety shooting through the roof.

"i'm freaking out right now. maybe it wasn't a good idea to ask him out to dinner. i could always cancel."

"you can't do that. not after all the effort you put into asking him out."

as the teacher walked in, telling everyone to take their seats, (name) couldn't help but admit that yanagi had a point. but he had no idea how to approach something like this. he could always text him, right? the second-year pulled out his phone, using his textbook as coverage.

hey. (last name) here. but you probably already know that considering we exchanged phone numbers earlier today. i know you're in the middle of class, but there's something i need to talk to you about.

(name) immediately deleted the text deciding to talk to him in person. after asking around, he finally managed to locate miyamura's classroom, but it looked like they were getting ready for gym. maybe now wasn't such a good idea. he could always wait, but miyamura might have already left.

"well if it isn't miyamura's stalker."

(name) turned around, coming face to face with a handsome teenage boy with a fair complexion, short purple hair that's swept to the right, matching purple colored eyes, and a tall but athletic figure. wait, did he just get called a stalker?

"i'm not a stalker," (name) defensively replied.

"i'm not so sure about that. besides, that's what a staker would say."

was this guy serious?

"i'm his friend. could you get him for me?"


seriously, what was with this guy?

"oh, (last name)."

"hey miyamura," (name) greeted as the teen joined them. "so you are here."

"oh, so you really are his friend," the purple haired male noted.

"that's what i was trying to tell you."

"was ishikawa giving you a hard time?" miyamura questioned.

"that's one way you could put it."

"what are you doing here?"

"there was something i wanted to talk to you about."

"what is it?"

(name) hesitated, noticing ishikawa was still standing there and clearly listening in on their conversation.

"ah, nevermind. it's nothing. i'll see you around."

"hang on. you wouldn't have come all this way if it wasn't important. are you sure it's nothing?"


miyamura looked as if he didn't believe him, but decided not to push for an answer. he simply sighed.

"well if you're sure. by the way, do you want to walk home today? we could stop for some cake along the way. only if you want to, of course."


"then i'll meet you later after class."

"okay, cool."

"let's hurry up and get to gym," ishikawa uttered.

"i'll see you later (last name)," miyamura called over his shoulder as he followed after ishikawa.

after that, it was as if someone had hit the fast forward button considering how quickly the rest of the day went. miyamura, being true to his word, met (name) at his last class of the day. as he entered the empty classroom, he noticed the male scribbling away in his notebook.

the male was so absorbed with the task laid out in front of him that he doesn't notice miyamura right away. a light tap on his desk breaks (name's) concentration who startles, raising his head.

"oh, miyamura."

the teen's breath hitched in his throat. (name) had eyes of the sea and wet pebbles. the center was all pebble, soft reflective browns, spreading out to waves of sea blues and greens under an overcast sky.

the outer edge was rimmed in deep ocean blue, but the over all effect was of hazel eyes, the brown elements being more dominant since they complimented his hair and the faintest sign of freckles that lay over the bridge of his nose.


he cleared his throat then dropped his gaze. "what's that you're working on?"

"just some paperwork i need to catch up on regarding the student council."

"you're apart of the student council?"

(name) nodded. "yeah. i'm the secretary."

"that's pretty cool."

"what about you?" (name) asked, packing up his things. "are you in any clubs?"

"no. none of them really interest me."

"that's understandable."

"ready to go?"


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