chapter eleven

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miyamura and (name) had agreed to meet at a local coffee shop in shibuya before walking around.

"see anything you want?"

"let's just look around. i can't thunk of anything right now."

"all right."

after walking around and stopping at a few stores, they find themselves at the movie theater.

"do you watch a lot of movies?" (name) asked quietly as the trailers rolled by.

"usually in theaters because the sound quality is good."

eventually the two fell silent as the movie began. halfway through two guys behind them began to kick their seats. (name) turned around to address them.

"can you stop kicking our seats?"

he turned back around only for the kicking to continue a minute later. (name) considered himself a kind person, but as soon as someone intentionally ticked him off - his nice side gets thrown out the window. he turned back around.

"excuse me-"

miyamura leaned towards him, speaking loud enough for (name) to hear him.

"just ignore them. you wanted to see this, right?"

miyamura had a point, but (name) couldn't stand people at times, especially ones who acted inconsiderate towards other which is why he confronted the two teenagers after the movie was over. despite the fact that they looked like high-schoolers, that didn't stop (name) from giving them a piece of his mind.

"you two kept kicking our seats even after i asked you nicely to stop."

"was i?" the teen asked. "sorry, i've got long legs."

"you were obviously doing it on purpose."

"really? we didn't notice."

(name) grew irritated at their behavior. "are you really that ignorant and immature? you're not a child, so stop acting like one and grow the hell up!"

"who the hell do you think you are?" the teenager snapped grabbing (name) by the front of his shirt.

he raised a hand - curling it into a fist, but didn't have a chance to strike him seeing as miyamura had stepped in.

"if you wanna hit someone, i dare you to try that with me."

upon seeing his cold expression, the high-schoolers backed off.

"whatever man. let's get out of here."

"you assholes still haven't apologized," (name) called out as they retreated.

"it's fine. you can stop," miyamura reassured him.

"it's not fine! they were being assholes! you should be angry!"

miyamura's gaze seemed to soften as a chuckle slipped from his lips.

"you really keep surprising me, you know that?"

"what's so funny?"

"i appreciate you getting mad at them for me."

"yeah, but-"

"just let it go. i don't want you dealing with this on your birthday and quit being so rash."

maybe miyamura had a point. maybe he was being too rash. he was up against two older guys. sometimes his mouth works faster than his thoughts when he's ticked off.

miyamura took his hand. "let's go eat."

before they knew it, the day was coming to an end. miyamura had walked (name) to the train station to see him off.

"thank you for today. and it was nice seeing you in your more natural form."

"my natural form?"

"you know what i mean. outside of school. you're usually so," (name) paused for a moment to search for the right words. he's never been very good at expressing his words correctly for others to understand. "hidden in a way. so i'm glad i got to see the real you."

' the train on platform two is arriving. '

"looks like that's my cue. i'll see you tomorrow."

as he turns away, a hand wraps around his arm pulling him back as the train doors close.

"miyamura," (name) looked at him after having gained his footing. "what-"

"i forgot to tell you something important. i want to tell you that i admire you. i like you and i'd appreciate it if you accepted my official confession."

even as a faint flush swept over his face, miyamura continued. "sorry it took me so long to respond. you're always honest with me and you take trivial things seriously. sometimes you're reckless, but that's one of the things i like  about you. oh, and happy birthday."


afterword; and that's the end of
book one. it's two in the morning
as i'm writing this so i'm half
asleep. i hope you all enjoyed
and thank you to those who
took the time to vote and

this was fun to write.
it's not as descriptive
as all my other works.
thank you all again for
the support.

book two is out now!

( noá )

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