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Asuna: I wish we could see real stars in Aincrad.

Kirito: Yeah, but this isn't so bad.

Asuna: I've never seen a shooting star in the real world before. Where I live, the sky's too bright at night.

Kirito: A city girl. That explains a lot.

Asuna: Oh, come on! Don't even tease me like that!

Kirito: *chuckles* There's this one spot in my town that's pretty famous for stargazing. It's even got a tiny observatory.

Asuna: Oh, I know! Let's make a date to go see the stars there someday!

Kirito: Sure. Someday.

Asuna: We just have to male sure we survive long enough to clear this game.

Kirito: Yeah. And as soon as we do, I'll get you a real ring.

Asuna: Mhm.

(Kirito and Asuna held hands and were about to kiss until...)

Y/n: I guess this was the wrong time to come.

(They quickly back away with Asuna's face red)

Kirito: Nah, you're just on time.

Y/n: Sweet. What are the lovebirds talking about?

Kirito: The stars. Asuna's never seen them before in the real world.

Y/n: Whaaaaaa?!

Asuna: Yeah. I grew up in the city and don't see them.

Y/n: Ah, that's a shame. Where I grew up in Fuyuki in the countryside, you can literally see them bright at night. Even when dawn is approaching, you can still see the stars.

Asuna: That sounds so beautiful and peaceful. You should take us there sometime.

Kirito: It'll be like a nice little trip. *yawns* I'll head back to the cabin. Goodnight!

Y/n: Night Kirito.

Asuna: Goodnight, Kirito, we'll join you in a bit.

(You and Asuna continue lying in the grass, gazing up at the stars)

Y/n: You ever wonder what's up there?

Asuna: Like what?

Y/n: Maybe someone up there is wondering what it's like here.

Asuna: I guess. Do you think we'll ever meet them?

Y/n: I hope so. Don't you?

Asuna: Yeah.

August 31st, 2022

(Monsters are slain in dark rooms where the only light source there is are lanterns. Kazuto Kirigaya or formally known as Kirito by his friends, eliminated the beats and rushed to a large door that's at the end of the room)

InterComs: Ten seconds remain until the Sword Art Online Beta closes!

(Kirito begins to sprint towards the large down)

9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2.

(Kirito reaches it and opens it. But right as he does, the intercoms glitch out and dissipate. He enters through and is open to a massive landscape)

Kirito: *exhales* I made it!

(As Kirito steps forward, he notices something was off)

Wait a minute. I should be kicked from the beta right about now.

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